Timeline of The Revolution

Timeline of The Revolution

Timeline of the Modernist Attack on the Kingdom of Christ on Earth

Prelude – Nadir and Recovery

5th Century

The Fall of the Roman Empire. S. Patrick converts Ireland.

6–7th Century

The Golden Age of Ireland, while Europe descends into chaos (‘the Dark Ages’). Very few records remain. Irish missionaries rebuild the Church in major tracts of Europe.

8th Century

The Golden Age of Ireland continues. Book of Kells is written. Mainland Europe slowly recovering.

9th Century

Charlemagne rebuilds the Holy Roman Empire, founding the Carolingian Renaissance, but it divides at his death. The Vikings begin their attacks.

10th Century

The Papacy at its lowest ebb. The popes never teach heresy, but they live like the robber barons around them.

Towards the Zenith

11th Century

Reform in the Church. The First Crusade. It fails militarily because the leaders have no notion of Strategy; instead of occupying the hinterland, the main trade routes, and the key city of Damascus, they simply occupy Jerusalem and the surrounding area, allowing the Moslems to re-group and counter-attack, and ultimately to re-occupy the Holy Land.

12 – 13th Century

The building of the Gothic Cathedrals and

the High Middle Ages. The zenith of the civilisation of Christendom.

The Decline

14th Century

Serious setbacks. The Black Death and the Avignon Schism. The popes move from Rome to Avignon for decades. When the pope finally returns to Rome, the French Cardinals elect an anti-pope and return to Avignon. These troubles prevent the realisation of the project to convert the Mongols, who had invaded from the East. Islam would thereby have been contained, and perhaps would have begun to wither away.

15th Century

The Protestant Rebellion and the Discovery of the Americas.

The general rebellion in North German lands coincides with attacks from the Moslems in the South, preventing the restoration of order. The Renaissance in Italy accomplishes very great steps forward in Art. The Protestant ‘Reformation’, in general is hostile to this development.

16th Century

The Counter-Reformation. The Council of Trent codifies Catholic teaching and practice. To counter the insidious spread of heresy via new versions of the Liturgy, the Tridentine Mass is set as the standard and a sure safeguard until the end of time. A very thorough reform of Catholic Faith and practice is widespread, spearheaded by many great saints, but too late to reverse the inroads of Protestantism.

17th Century

The Religious Wars of Europe which end in stalemate. Europe becomes permanently divided into Catholic and Protestant states. The Scientific Revolution abandons the ancient ideas and establishes the modern ideas of science. The Catholic Church loses its moral authority and control, which allowed usury (charging interest on unproductive loans) to flourish, where it had always been sternly condemned by the Church. This allows a new social class of the super-rich to establish itself. Banking organisations make vast loans to kings and princes for their wars, and become fabulously rich on the interest. The Jews in Europe had been forbidden by law to own land, and had practised money-lending throughout the Middle Ages (their own laws strictly forbid them to charge interest on other Jews, but tell them to do so to the Gentiles) and they ally with the banking houses.

18th Century

The ‘Enlightenment’. The mood turns against religion and men try to build a civilisation on Reason divorced from Faith and Revelation. The Penal Laws are enacted in Ireland. The Bankers infiltrate the genuine craftsman’s guild of the Masons (stone-cutters) and use its organisation to further their own ends. The French Revolution (1789) is not a spontaneous uprising by the French peasantry, but a revolt against established authority stirred up by the Enlightenment Rationalists and financed by the Masonic and other financial organisations.

The Masonic lodges act as a charitable organisation at the lower levels, but the higher levels work to spread a new religion that denies all dogma and outside authority. Members are sworn to secrecy and to promote their own members at the expense of outsiders. At its highest levels, worship is offered to Lucifer. The Catholic Church and the Masonic Lodge recognise each other as mortal enemies.

By the end of the 18th Century the bankers are more powerful than the individual nations, whose rulers are in debt to them. They use their power to enact laws to establish their own power. In particular, the issuing of currency, which must always be under the control of the government of a country, comes under the control of the banks.

19th Century

The Industrial Revolution and the movement off the land into the new huge industrial cities. The First Vatican Council makes explicit the immemorial belief in the infallibility of the pope when he pronounces ex cathedra (“from the chair” of Peter) on a matter of Faith and Morals, or repeats previously settled dogma (not at other times, and ‘without prejudice’ to his own moral condition). Pope Pius the Ninth (Pio Nono) defines the dogma of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th, 1854. Just four years later, on 11 Feb 1858, Our Lady appears at Lourdes & tells Bernadette, “I am the Immaculate Conception”.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection further shakes the Faith, particularly of the Protestant denominations.

[The notion that the earth could be millions or billions of years old shakes the literalist interpretation of the Book of Genesis. This interpretation is not mandatory to the Catholic Faith, however: the real difficulty with Darwinism, as interpreted in an atheist sense, is the suggestion that the main creative force in the universe is Random chance, not the Design of the Creator. In this Atheist view, Natural Selection, acting on random changes in each generation, will ensure the “Survival of the Fittest” and hence lead to improvements and even new species – perhaps even man? One of the several opinions allowed to Catholics is that God directed the process of evolution, infusing an immortal soul into an individual when the process has reached His goal. Although the process of natural selection certainly does operate, it cannot explain where the first living things came from, not to mention how the world was first created: and is insufficient by itself to explain the process of evolution, as the probabilities of finding correct mutations by a mere random selection are vastly too small; but it is seized upon by the atheists as a way of leaving God out of the process of Creation.]

Factory owners, especially the Manchester Materialists, eagerly use the slogan “Survival of the Fittest” taken from Darwin, to justify their brutal oppression of their factory workers. Instead of the cottage industries of the Middle Ages there are now the ‘Dark satanic mills’ with dreadful cramped, unhealthy slums for the workers. The new super-rich get steadily richer while the poor are reduced to a truly wretched state in the slums.

The popes condemn the Masonic movement again and again. One pope gains access to the Masonic plan to take over the Church and the world. The Masons know that no pope would ever be a Mason: even if they succeeded in having one elected, once on the throne of Peter he would change sides and oppose them. Therefore they plan to infiltrate the seminaries and surround a future pope with their own men. The Pope has this document copied and published on his own expense. Modernism gains strength during this century, mainly through French and British intellectual circles and also in in Italy. It is influenced by many Protestant theologians and clergy.

Main tenets of Modernism:

*A rejection of all miraculous stories in the Bible (not to mention the history of the Church) on the grounds that ‘miracles are against the Laws of nature’. The fallacy is that we do not have certain knowledge that we know what the full Laws of Nature are. They might include the possibility of miracles; also God, who created the World out of nothing, can obviously suspend the usual laws of nature if He sees fit.

*A disregarding of the teachings of the Church Fathers on the meaning of the Bible, which is by no means an easy or systematic book. This attitude flows naturally from Martin Luther and his teaching of Sola Scriptura, (Scripture alone) which asserts that scripture alone contains all that is necessary for Christian Faith and Morals. The Catholic teaching is that Scripture is not separate from Catholic Tradition, in fact it is a part of Tradition, and that the Church has the authority and ability not only to pronounce on the meaning of Scripture, but also to teach matters of Faith which might not be found in Scripture itself.

*Secularism (Saecula = The World). The belief that Church and State should be separated, and the laws of the state should generally cover only the “common ground” of beliefs between the various religious groups that might be present — e.g. outlawing theft and murder. Secularists held it to be possible to distinguish between laws that were religious and those that were not. Catholic teaching is that this is not possible, and that all aspects of society must be organized with the final goal of Heaven in mind.

*A rejection of the philosophy of S. Thomas Aquinas, known as Thomistic philosophy and ‘The Perennial Philosophy”, because it is a system of thought that would survive any advances in knowledge. S. Thomas had taken the philosophy of Aristotle (4th century BC) and enlarged it to encompass Christian Revelation. The Thomistic method of thought is: to begin a discussion by ‘defining one’s terms’ (explaining exactly what your words mean) and then using the Laws of Logic (which are the laws of thought) to arrive at definite conclusions. The basic pattern is the three-sentence “syllogism”:

All men are mortal.

Socrates is a man.

Therefore socrates is mortal.

If the first two statements are true, then we may be certain that the third statement is also true. This is an “essentialist” philosophy because it begins with the essence of things.

The Modernists tried to adapt Modern philosophies to Christianity. The “existentialist” philosophies taught that words acquire their meanings through being used. We learn the meanings of words gradually, by experiencing their use as time goes on. Catholic teaching is that this approach, by which words change their meaning under our feet (so to speak) is to build your mental house upon sand. Yet it is the dominant thought of Modernism.

*Agnosticism, the belief that it is not possible to know with certainty anything in particular about God, or even whether He really exists. In this case, we cannot say that one religion is better or truer than another.

*Historicism, the belief that Dogmas come about due to the influence of the particular period of history in which they were written, and that they may change from one Age to the next.

*Subjectivism, which bases ideas on one’s personal feelings. Catholic teaching is based on Objectivism, which claims to teach about things that are true, whether anyone believes it or not.

It can be seen that Modernism is nothing less than the Synthesis of All Heresies, as Pope S. Pius X described it. It is the most mortal attack on the Faith that has ever been carried out. Yet it can be presented so attractively, and it fits in so smoothly with the Modern mood, that innumerable people are swept away by it.

In Protestant countries, an Official Version of history, greatly slanted against the Catholic Church, is being taught in schools and repeated by the Media, and is implicitly accepted by the public as the accurate truth. In England, the Catholic writers G.K.Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, at the turn of the Century and beyond, make great progress in exploding many of the Myths that had become the Accepted Version of History.

20th Century

In 1903, Pope S. Pius X is elected pope. It was expected that Cdl Rampolla would be elected pope, but he was Vetoed by the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (who had this privilege). Cdl Rampolla is the Cardinal Secretary of State, the secular administrator of the Papal State. The reason for the veto is never made official, but it is widely believed that it is because the Emperor had proof that Rampolla was a secret Mason.

Pope S. Pius X is a particularly strong and able pope, and fights strenuously against the Masons and the Modernist heresy. In 1907 he issues the great encyclical Pascendi Domínici Gregis and in 1910 issues the Oath against Modernism to be sworn by "all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries". (As we shall see, in July 1967 Pope Paul VI rescinded it.) Pius X orders that Thomism be the basis of study in all seminaries, but many ignore him.

Mary Appears at Fatima in response to a call from the Pope

In 1917, the First World War is raging, with no end in sight. Pope Benedict XV turns to the Blessed Virgin Mary, through whom all graces are dispensed. The Pope urges all Christian people to beg the Mother of God to obtain peace for the world, and to solemnly entrust the task to her:

"Have recourse to the Heart of Jesus, Throne of Graces, through the intercession of Mary". It is at this time that he adds ‘Queen of Peace, pray for us’ to the Litany of Loreto.

And Heaven answers. Our Lady is swift to respond:

Only eight days after this prayer, Our Lady appears to the three children at Fatima.

Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 gives us the programme that will defeat the devil in this Age of the World: the daily Rosary, amending our lives, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the Pope to consecrate Russia with all the bishops of the world on the same day, promising that “she will be converted, and God will grant a period of peace to the world”.

On 13 July The children are given three “secrets” by Our Lady: (1) A vision of Hell

(2) A prophecy of wars and persecutions that will overtake the world if people do not amend their lives: “the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated”; (3) The Third Secret, which was to be revealed by 1960 at the latest, “because things will become clearer then”. The notion of “Secrets” excites great curiosity, but the children adamantly refuse to divulge them until Our Lady gives them permission.

On October 13, 1917, is the Miracle of the Sun, witnessed by at least 70,000 people. The sun is seen to dance and whirl in the sky for 15 minutes, after which it plunges towards the Earth before returning to its normal position and aspect in the sky. But the three children to whom Our Lady had appeared see the Holy Family blessing the world, and Our lady holding the Brown Scapular.

And a mere two weeks after the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the Storming of the Winter Palace in Russia begins the Bolshevik Revolution that led to the Communist plan to enslave the world in an atheistic World State. It is known that the leaders were consecrated to Satan, and had received much of their guidance from him. Karl Marx, architect of Marxist Communism that underpinned the Revolution, had written:

Till I go mad

And my heart is utterly changed –

See this sword: the Prince of Darkness gave it to me.

The history of the 20th century is the history of the Battle between Satan and the Mother of God.

The Secular World seeks to maintain Order by military means, and the Church leaders, who had been told personally by the Queen of Heaven that the one and only solution is Spiritual, first ignore and then try to suppress this Message from Our Lady.

In June 1929 Our Lady tells Sr Lucy, the only surviving witness of Our Lady at Fatima, “The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. So numerous are the souls which the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me, that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.”

But the consecration is not done.

Pope Pius XII is “the last of the Old Roman Popes” – the last to strenuously oppose the Modernist heresy. He dies in 1958.

The Church, which has ignored the spiritual remedies offered by the Queen of Heaven at Fatima, is in many places repeating some of the mistakes of the Fifteenth Century: a hardening, an over-emphasis on ‘obeying the rules’ and not enough thought to a real love of God, and of our neighbour for His sake. The Jansenist Movement in France institutionalises this error, and many priests in Ireland have been trained in France in the Nineteenth Century, affected by the Jansenist mood. The legacy has remained.

Pope John XXIII had been formed in a Seminary with Modernist influence. He is a good and amiable man who, however, does not seem to realise how evil some people can really be. Pope John XXIII reads the Third Secret of Fatima in 1958 but apparently does not believe it. He believes in making peace by making friends with the Communists. He comments, “It [the third Secret] is not for our time”, re-seals the envelope and archives it.

In 1960 an anonymous Press Release from the Vatican unexpectedly announces that the Third Secret “will probably never be published”. IN the years to come there will be other dubious Anonymous Announcements from the Vatican, which is supposed to be the Guardian of the Truth. In this way, errors are spread that appear to come with the full authority of Rome.

In 1960 the Second Vatican Council is convened. Many Catholics welcome Pope John’s promise that the Council would ‘open a few windows and let in some fresh air’.

But there are disturbing signs that the Pope was underestimating the Enemies of the Church. By agreement with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, it is pledged that Vatican II would not condemn Marxist Socialism. The Agreement is published in the open forum, but not widely known among most Catholics. The Agreement is in return for Russian Orthodox Observers attending the Council, in line with the new Vatican policy of ‘Ostpolitik’ – trying to influence World Events by appeasement and dialogue, instead of confrontation. Thus the council which prided itself on being in touch with ‘the Signs of the Times’ chooses to ignore the greatest of all contemporary Signs of the Times – the aggressive spread of Marxism, in direct enmity with Christianity, around the world..

During the Council the forces in the Church aligned with Modernism succeed in gaining the upper hand, and give the appearance of adopting as official Church dogma the propositions that had previously been strenuously opposed: Religious Liberty, (that every person has a right to practise his own chosen religion in the Public Forum; Ecumenism, (understood as a minimising or dropping the beliefs that separate different religions); Collegiality (which relegates the position of the pope to the chairman of an assembly, in which the true power resides).

Pope Paul VI in the early years of his pontificate is an enthusiastic supporter of the changes following the Council. For reasons of his own, he abolishes the Oath Against Modernism and insists on the universal acceptance of a New Order of Mass. The dismayed reaction of conservative churchmen, pointing out its deficiencies, is ignored. New structures are introduced into Church organisation that effectively stifle bishops in carrying out their primary duty of safeguarding good order and fidelity to the Faith in their dioceses. The end result is a paralysis of the mechanisms of the Church, an abandonment of discipline at every level of Church Administration, an unprecedented lapsation, especially of the young, who are never taught the rudiments of the Faith, and a flood of public immorality of every kind. There is a worldwide, organised dismantling of many of the immemorial practices of Catholic life, always justified by recourse to ‘the Spirit of Vatican II’. The Vatican II documents themselves are so ambiguous that they are regularly quoted both by the enthusiasts for radical change, and by the ever-growing Traditionalist Reaction. The end result is great bewilderment among the Faithful. Innumerable parents witness their children abandoning the Faith, and cannot understand why, since they are following the advice given in the parishes. The numbers of officially Catholic souls continues to increase, but the actual percentage of Catholics in the world population is declining, while more self-confident religions, notably Islam, are making headway. Meanwhile a series of dreadful scandals involving the Church are given the widest possible publicity by the Mass Media.

Yet there is an increasing number of conversions, as people learn the truth about what the Church really teaches, and what She has to offer. Pope John Paul II tours the world, using his many gifts to reach the people, often over the heads of many local bishops, who by now are acting as though they have lost the Faith. In the USA, an increasing number of Bible-Only Christians convert each year to the Catholic Church after abandoning the Myths they had been taught from childhood and making an honest consideration of her credentials, and many Anglican communities worldwide take advantage of Pope Benedict’s arrangement by which they may regain communion with Rome while retaining many of their own distinctive traditions. This truly is a genuine carrying out of the desires of the faithful bishops at Vatican II. Pope Benedict reminds the world that the traditional Latin Mass had never actually been abolished (although people had been saying this for decades). Meanwhile many Catholic youth are coming to such events as Youth 2000, and/or coming to the Traditional Mass, the Rosary, and the religious formation that goes with these things.

The Battle continues...