The Ape: A True Story

In Venice, there lived a very rich lawyer. He had acquired his riches through corruption. During his life, he was very evil. He took money dishonestly and frequently committed many other grievous sins. But there was one thing every day, he would say just ONE prayer to Our Lady.

Now this lawyer, despite his wicked life, was very friendly with Fr Matthew da Bassa. One evening the lawyer invited Fr Matthew to come to his house for a meal. Then he said,

“I want to show you something. I have a trained ape who is my servant. He's great: he cooks meals, clears away the dishes, tidies up, cleans the house: everything! He’s wonderful!”

“Extraordinary!” replied the priest. Um – are you sure: is it really an ape, or something else?”

“Well, Father, see for yourself,” replied the lawyer. At that he called his servant. Now the ape normally came as soon as he was called; but today, for some reason, he did not appear.

“Hmm!” said the lawyer, “that's strange... I suppose we'd better go looking for him.”

At this they began hunting through the large and luxurious house. The ape was nowhere to be found. At length it was discovered – hiding under a bed. The priest commanded in a stern voice,

“Infernal beast! Come forth and tell me what you are.”

The “ape” stood before the priest and, for the first time, to the astonishment of the lawyer, spoke:

“I am from the devil and I am waiting for the day when he will omit his prayer to The Blessed Virgin. I have permission, on that day, to kill him and bring his soul down to hell.”

The priest commanded him to leave and never to return; but, as a sign, to break a piece of the wall. That hole was in the wall for many, many years, and was seen by many, and could not be repaired.


There are many in the world at this time, who are saying just one Hail Mary each day, and their souls are thereby being saved.