
On this page, you will find these sub-pages:

*1 An Overview

– Annals of the Centuries. I began this as a set of notes for homeschoolers. We need a Framework upon which to hang the facts we gasther piecemeal. For example. S. Patrick lived in the Fifth Century A.D. We should be able to say, 'Ah yes, the century in which the Roman Empire dissolved away". Or, S. Francis lived in the Thirteenth Century. 'Ah yes, at the height of the High Middle Ages'. This page contains a very short paragraph on each of the centuries from the 6th BC to the present day, that any average pupil could learn by heart. It is followed by short notes on each century, with key names and topics. It is not designed as a complete history book, but as a guide to further study.

– The list of Popes.

– A list of the major heresies

– A timeline of 'the Revolution' – of how our civilisation has declined from its peak in the High Middle Ages, when the human race was p[robebly at the happiest it has been before or since.


*2 The Early Church.

– A set of 300-word essays on topics from the Springtime Innocence of the Church: up to the first really serious crisis: the Arian heresy.

*3 The Ages of Faith

– Generally, the thousand years of Christendom, 500 – 1500 AD.

*4 Rebellion and Counter-Reformation

– The tumultuous Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

*5 Towards the Modern World

– From the Scientific Revolution to the Mid-Twentieth Century

*6 Vatican II