Accessing Your Files

Accessing Your Content

  • Google Drive
    • The app provides direct access your Google files
    • Create and edit Docs & Sheets
    • Upload photos and video from your camera roll to your Drive
  • Dropbox
    • Sync a folder on your computer (and other computers), with your devices and the web
    • Gives you access to every file in the folder.


  1. Set up an account on Pocket or Diigo. Install the App. Save at least one article or link from the web or your device. View it on the App.
  2. Install a note-taking app on your device. Add two items to it. Contemplate potential categories.
  3. Set up Dropbox on your laptop. Drag a few files into it. Check them out on your device.
  4. Go to your Google Drive on your device (personal or GUHSD) and open up a Google Doc. Try editing it.
  5. Upload a photo or video from your camera roll to your Drive.



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