Thinking & Writing

No need to sharpen that pencil!

There are many online tools designed to help people record and produce ideas.

Mind Mapping

Graphic organizers, charts, wireframes, storyboards etc. Use for individual organization or collaborative pre-writing. Most can be shared and some charge after three creations.

Mind Meister / Mindomo / Lucid Chart / / ExploraTree / Popplet

Word Clouds

Paste your text (essay) into one of the following programs. It will create visual representation of the text used. The most prominent words, those used most often, will be larger than those used less frequently.

Wordle / Tagxedo / Tagul


No more 3x5 cards. Students can create, find, share, and study flashcards. Play study games too.


Quizlet teachers page - FAQ on how can teachers use Quizlet? Think online games, pre-tests, quizzes, and tests.

Spanish Vocaublary

Online vocabulary game


Creative / Collaborative Writing

Programs designed to increase collaboration and community writing.

Protagonize - Offers the opportunity to write addventure interactive fiction stories and linear (standard) stories. Users can also join discussion groups and writing circles.

One Word - One word is given and sixty seconds to write about it.

Google Docs - Try it out for yourself in your Google Apps account.