
Why Google Docs?

The our primary uses of technology these days involve email and word processing. Goolg So why should you give up the reliable other word processing program that shall not be named? Here's a few reasons:

  1. Access, create, and edit documents from any computer, device, and/or location. In the world. Online OR offline.
  2. Share documents with everyone, certain people, or no one at all. You control who has access to your document.
  3. Collaboratively create and edit documents with specific people. See changes real time - no more email documents back and forth. Everyone has access to the latest version.
  4. Embed your documents on your website. When you make changes, your website is automatically updated. It's like magic, but real.
  5. It's mobile. Use your phone or tablet to view and edit in addition to a computer.

Let's Try It, Click Here.

Key Features

  • Sharing and publishing
  • Automatic saving
  • Revision history
  • Share templates
  • Not just word processing - also includes Presentations, Spreadsheets, and Drawing.
  • Organization all occurs in Drive.

Administrative Uses

  1. Collaborative writing of documents (WASC Evidence Collection)
  2. Meeting agendas and minutes (Tech Committee Agenda)
  3. Institutional history
  4. Rules, policies, etc. (Embed them on the website, then changes only needed to updated once). (West Hills Dress Code)
  5. Phone lists, coach lists, etc.
