Managing, Accessing, & Organizing Content on the Go

Managing Content

Let’s face it, we are in information overload. Often there is so much, that we give up. This becomes even tougher to manage as your PLN grows. However, there is so much great stuff out there, you just may not have the time at that moment to read it.

  • Pocket (iOS, Android, and on the web) - Save articles, blog posts, etc. and read them when you want. Add them from over 300 Apps (including Twitter).
  • Diigo (iOS, Android, and on the web) - Serves as a bookmark organizer - like Delicious, but more robust. Allows you to save and organize bookmarks with tags.
  • Delicious (Web only) - It is a little simpler than Diigo AND it has a feature that bookmarks any links you tweet or re-tweet.

Organizing and Sharing Content

  • Evernote - Create notes by typing, voice, and photo. Store them in notebooks that can be shared. Access and sync your notes via the web, desktop browser, or mobile device. Livebinder with Evernote Goodness
  • Sundry - Create more visual and dynamic notes that can be synced and shared. iOS only.
  • Livebinders - Three-ring binder in the cloud.
  • Dragon Dictation - Speech to text. iOS only. Android users might like Dragon Go which is like Siri.

Accessing Your Content

  • Google Drive - The new name for the repository of Google Doc files - access them all on your device.
  • Dropbox - Sync a folder on your computer (and another computer), with your devices and the web. Gives you access to every file in the folder.
  • Kindle / iBooks / Nook - Either read your digital books on your device or at least sync them and get any notes you take on them with you.


  1. Set up an account on Pocket or Diigo. Install the App. Save at least one article or link from the web or your device. View it on the App.
  2. Install Evernote on your device. Add two items to it. Contemplate potential categories.
  3. Set up Dropbox on your laptop. Drag a few files into it. Check them out on your device.
  4. Go to your Google account on your device (personal or GUHSD) and open up a Google Doc. Try editing it.