Just Add Google - With Notes

  1. Introduction (5 min)
  2. Technology Survey (10 min)
    • Discussion: Survey results
  3. Why integrate technology? (20 min)
    • Discussion: Student engagement, preparation for life in the 21st century, collaboration
    • Google presentation
    • - Start in PowerPoint / Google Presentation, transition over to Prezi (We should be using Tech and this is why). Within the Prezi - link to spreadsheet findings - go to summary
    • - Walk us through the discussion (image heavy) Put slide with question about their use of the computer / phone during our discussion
  4. District Resources (15 min)
      • List of resources from Ken - linked somehow.
    • Overview: What is my.guhsd.net? What tools are available?
    • Hands-on: Login
  5. Creating a homebase / website creation (1 hr 30 min)
    • Discussion: Communicating with audience and value of creating / maintaining a web presence
    • Examples
    • Overview: Google Sites, planning a site, creating a site, adding content, and maintenance / design
    • Hands-on: Setup, edit, explore Google Sites / Share site - Google Form
    • Link to Google Sites Screencast Tutorials
  6. Break (15 min)
  7. Collaboration Tools (1 hr 15 min)
    • Sites - Teacher collaboration: shared projects (public) Global Studies vs. shared planning (private) World History (could not find)
    • Docs - Share a doc with them regarding potential uses.
  8. Lunch (12:00 - 1:00)
  9. Teacher Tools
    • Calendars - Overview - Examples, subscribe, shared calendars
    • Embedding - Docs, Calendar, Presentations, Picasa, YouTube & Google Video
    • Forms - How to create. Potential uses. Link resource page for examples.
    • Screenshots - Online App
    • Screencasts - Overview - Examples, Screenr
    • Downloading YouTube
    • Uploading Grades
    • Making Graphics
    1. Work time (Work on Google Site, explore the various teacher tools, etc.).
  10. Create a teacher implementation plan
    • Create, publish, submit (Google Form) a Doc -
        • Name
        • Site
        • Subject(s)
        • Create a table with the following categories: Sites, Docs, Teacher Tools (see above).
        • List specific ideas on how you could use these tools to support plan and/or integration into your curriculum.
        • Select 1 or 2 that you could implement this semester. What will you need to do and what support, if any, will you need to be successful?
  11. Technology Integration Vision
  12. Broad vision - gradual steps