Movie Makers

Create Videos That Go Viral!

Make visibly stunning video that will wow an audience? We have options for the movie making challenged, those who don’t have hours to spare, or don’t want to be tied to a single computer. Animoto

Upload your images, music and videos and include text, then Animoto generates a professional, always original, presentation. Animoto for Educators = Animoto Plus

High School - Mission Trails | Global Stratification

Elementary School - Jane Goodall

WeVideo | YouTube

Online video editing has never been easier. These three tools offer you and students an opportunity to put together videos without using iMovie or MovieMaker. WeVideo will publish directly to Google Drive.

Tori Downing / How to Become a Mermaid


Screencasting that can be saved in the cloud. Record what is on your computer screen.


Combine video, audio, pictures, text, links, maps, and timelines into a mulitmedia presentation. Exports directly to all major social media apps.


Combine video, audio, pictures, text, links, maps, and timelines into a mulitmedia presentation. Exports directly to Twitter and Facebook. Added features: able to poll 10 viewers and browsing tool for bookmarking of videos and photos for later use.