Shiney Lefai

Music Production and Song Writing

Shiney Lefai -Music Production and Song Writing

Hi, Thank you for visiting my site.

Below is my personal website that hosts the compositions that I am exhibiting from this Trimester.

I have composed a cruisey drum n Bass track and a dub/Trance track.

You can click on the image and scroll down through the sections, or alternatively click the link.

If you like to look at any previous pieces I have created, they are featured on the Portfolio page.

History- About Me

As an ever-blossoming mature-age student, I have had a vibrant history in the music industry.

My career spans over 40 years, starting out busking in Kings Cross- onwards to playing with cover bands-onwards to various Original Rock bands, (during which time I scored a publishing deal with Warner Brothers), and for the last 25 years, I have been very fortunate to be an international artist -annually touring Europe, and playing live dance /live electronic music at awesome Music festivals, clubs pubs, etc in Countries all over the continent.

During this time I have always been active in songwriting, and co-producing, however, I was never in the pilot's chair or able to reach the level of programming, recording, or producing music, that my heart desired....It was usually the guys that had that role, and skillset.

With Covid lockdowns and the music industry coming to a halt the possibility to tour removed, I felt myself shrinking and I decided to finally study.

I had never had the option before as I was in a cycle of writing an album- booking tour-making money to pay for everything -touring -hitting the ground running-making money and on the Merry go round we go!

Originally I thought I would do the short electronic music course.

When I applied I found the course was full, which I was really disappointed about, however after speaking with the SAE team, I decided to jump in the deep end and undertake the Diploma of Music Production and songwriting course.

I have always been a wildflower, and a free spirit, I had never been to uni, and didn't even finish high school...

I hadn't studied for decades, so entering into studies at SAE was absolutely challenging... and a very steep learning curb for me.

Commencing my first Trimester -I was totally overwhelmed, out of my depth, and stressed....... and at the same time really stimulated, inspired and excited... and ultimately in my "happy place" immersed in the world of music.

I completed my diploma and came through with flying colours.

I felt so empowered with what I was learning, and deeply inspired by the teachers and the content of the course (well most of it-haha ) So much so that I decided to keep going and do the associate's degree.

So here I am, Learning things I am passionate and curious about, feeling growing confidence at the pilot's helm, and producing tunes that I feel proud of...and observing myself growing in so many ways.

I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to be studying at SAE, to have the incredible knowledge and passion of the teachers shared with me,to have access to the awesome facilities, and to feel part of the SAE community.......

I am Loving the journey.


If you are interested in listening to my music project Loonaloop that I have toured Internationally with for the past 20 years- (as well as playing with an English trance band Tribal Drift for 2 years previous to that), please check us out on Spotify - Loonaloop

Trimester Reflection

I have really enjoyed this trimester of Music Production and songwriting Studio 2.

It has been a great introduction and deepening of my knowledge of music Theory,

The course has been presented by Dirk in a very inspirational, tangible and practical way, in which I have been able to grasp, and harness the concepts to further develop my songwriting and producer skills.

Learning methods, formulas and the fundamental foundations of music theory has opened a doorway into a world of possibilities, and also introduced ways out of roadblocks that can occur when composing without any music theory knowledge.

I have grown in my production skills, and taken a deeper dive into understanding the broad scope of "Studio Functions."


* The practicalities and understanding of different microphone functions and choices for specific instruments voices and circumstances, as well as techniques -like stereo recordings, amping -reamping, and so on.

*Understanding the importance of Gainstaging, Phasing, Reverb, Delay, EQ, the importance of Gainstaging, mixing tricks, rules, and plugin go-to's.

All up, these skills have expanded my understanding of Music production, increased my confidence and stimulated my inspiration and creativity and opened my mind to new possibilitys in many aspects of the wonderful world of music.

I am happy to say that I am able to see my growth as a musician/producer when I listen to my latest compositions/productions.

There is never eneough time whilst jumping from week to week lessons to truly explore the topics,or truly give the compositions the time they it is an ongoing journey of exploration discovery and application!

Loving it!!!!!

Contact Details

Name: Shiney Lefai

Skillsets: Music production, Singer Songwriter, Live Performance


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