Andre Nalywajko

Audio Studio 4 - Tri 5


In this module, we were entrusted to complete two live sound reinforcements. Under the guidance of Jan Muths, we illustrated a brilliant level of team work and successfully completed both gigs with no disruptions to the live performances. Project 1 was a Live Streaming and Sound Reinforcement for a small gig featuring Ben Jansz and Eyesite, Project 2 was the Sound Reinforcement for SAE Open Day featuring Josh Lee Hamilton and Mateus Marcedo and Dudu Martins.

Project 1

This is the band Eyesite, As you can see have a stage set-up that allows for a full band. We also have the FOH and foldback speakers setup. Running FOH from the main consolue and the foldbacks from the iPad. You will notice in this photo the Video Camera.... We had a few cameras set up to live stream the event from various angles. We had a vision switcher and rain two crowd microphone which signal was supplied as the audio for the live stream!

This is the amazing Ben Jansz. What an incredible performer and an amazingly complex setup (on his behalf). The fact he does everything at once is honestly amazing, if you get a chance to see him, do not miss the opportunity! Again the same setup and streaming as above were available.

Project 2

This is a picture of the talented Josh Lee Hamilton, soothing us with his beautiful brand of acoustic tunes. You can see the set up here, running the main consule Behringer X32 with and optical out into ProTools for recording the live output. Once again with had a stage, this time with the added complexity of rain on the day, hence the tents. This added a layer of complexity and care that was displayed by all team members.

This is a snap of the awesome Mateus and Dudu filling the air with their smooth vibes and party style. From the angle of the foldback engineers, this time having a seperate desk for their operation. Slightly different set up this time with the introduction of a Power Amplifier as we were using passive foldback speakers. Just a slight adjustment to the set up with are already very comfartable with. The whole team perfomered excellently under the added pressure and requirments that the rain brought with it!

Collaborative Work:

This trimester I made an effort to involve myself with as many projects as I could fit. My aim is to organically increase this output during the next trimester. My role and the projects are listed below...

  • To Valhalla - Hannah, Jonny, Andre - Recording Engineer - We recorded Jonny adding some live drums to the amazing audio production by Hannah

  • Podcast Recording - Nathaniel, Two collaborators, Renee, Andre - Podcast Engineer - I set up my equipment for the boys to record their podcasts. Special thanks to SAE for the Zoom F6 and Renee for ensuring the smooth operation of equipment and packing up.

  • Birth, Death & Beyond - Jonny, Serena, Susanna, Andre - Tech Engineer - This is the major project for the Bachelor's Degree, working together to organise this project. I cover how we make their dreams a reality during the live performance and also capture the event in 360 video/audio. Engineer assistant during the live recording performance separate from the final exhibition performance.

  • DUB Project - Tom, Callum, Shaun, Andre - FOH - This will be an awesome feature of studies next trimester. I will conduct the FOH mixing and also be involved with the setup of the live sound reinforcement and live streaming of the event.

  • Sound Recordist - I have put my hand up to be the sound recordist for the Artist Series within our Major Project Ideation group.

  • Dog Handler - Hope needs a dog for her Major Project and my housemate's dog is lined up to be utilised, I will assist with her handling, this may lead to a sound recordist role...

Project 3


This trimester has been and another amazing whirlwind of creativity, problem making/solving, teamwork and achievement. Taking on more this trimester than previously I immersed myself in collaboration in and outside of the classroom. We were tasked with 2 major performance projects and a portfolio to complete this trimester. Getting stuck straight in and having a great level of communication we assessed the groups' availability and set a deadline for the first performance. Week 6 was locked in and we had a lot of interesting and professional tech to wrap our head around. Outlining the project deliverables we needed to find artists, do a poster, live stream the event and of course provide the sound reinforcement.

In the weeks leading up to the performance, we would work as a team, identifying our strong points and working suitably to our team strengths. Getting a greater understanding of the Behringer X32 console and the patching capabilities. Diving deeper into what the desk can do and how it should be used during varied live performances. Learning the Sony PMW200 video cameras enough to perform a white balance, find some decent angles and send the signal into the ATEM Black Magic Video switcher. With a fair knowledge of this equipment and more (ProTools on a Macbook Pro for recording, Scarlett interface for sending audio to the live stream rig, wifi router for iPad connectivity with the X32,) we set out and successfully pulled the show off with no major issues what so ever. It was so much fun, I went home and watched the live stream again after the event!

The second performance just so happened to be the SAE open day. We had two more amazing artist performances to assist with. The day would bring rain to add a layer of complexity and duty of care. We also had a slightly different setup to the first, being the use of passive speakers (and power amplifier) for the foldbacks and setting up a separate desk for their management (one desk for FOH and one for the foldbacks). The major thing with this setup is the routing options and ensuring they are set appropriately. It took our amazing team some time to work this setup out exactly and it worked seamlessly on the day. The rain did not deter the enthusiasm of the group on the day, all happily ignored the rain, with a view to ensuring a smooth show. Glad to say that the rain did not affect the sound or performances at all. It was nice to have another successful example with different acts and requirements, with an alternative setup.

I can't speak more highly of Jan and the whole group this trimester. I have been extremely lucky to be able to learn with such beautiful humans, in such a supportive environment. A lot of issues were faced and overcome with no screaming and yelling. If anything, when the group need to band together we really did. To be a part of and witness such teamwork was a distinct privilege and a high point of my studies here at SAE. With the knowledge and comradery on display, I personally feel that the group could have achieved more if so required. Working with such a such made the transferable skill section of the trimester a breeze. The chat stream was constantly filled with pictures, positive vibes, course related info that we all shared and used to stay in the loop. Thanks a lot to the whole team, Jan and everyone at SAE this trimester has allowed for an immense amount of learning mixed with an appropriate level of enjoyment. Cheers!

Contact Details

Name: Andre Nalywajko

Skillsets: Podcast Production, Live Sound Reinforcement, Producer/Songwriter


Social Media: @andre_nalywajko