by Brad Fry & Danny Botham

Touch The Grass is a story about the day in the life of Aria and how much she uses technology within that day. It dives into the effect too much screen time can have on the mental/physical health of kids but also the benefits if used in a balanced way. There will be experts and people with personal relationships telling their side of things and the effect they think technology has.


For us, trying to determine how we wanted things to look and how to pace them was really important and we ended up dedicating a lot of time to researching other successful documentaries, looking at what they did right and things that could be improved, looked for camera techniques that pulled you in and things like how to use backgrounds to make a shot really pop. We looked especially hard at how other filmmakers like to frame professionals such as doctors and created a mood board of the things that inspired us most.

Previous Work


"This film means a lot to me, as it is an intimate look at my family. Based on an issue I saw as important for parents today, the use of screen time for kids. Working with Danny was great, he is awesome to work with. Friendly, open to ideas and happy to share his own knowledge which helped us achieve our goal. Our interviewees were amazing as well, very accommodating to us and great on camera with a wealth o knowledge on the subject. From a technical stand point, applying the lighting techniques learnt in Travis's lighting class were invaluable. It helped us achieve the professional/ cinematic look we envisioned. Also it my first time shooting hand held, which I loved as it gave the film a more intimate look and feel . Overall a fantastic experience, resulting in a film we are proud of. One, we hope others can enjoy and maybe even get a little inspiration out of."

Contact Details

Name: Brad Fry

Skillsets: Cinematography, Editor.


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