
Jeshua Edwards

For this project I wanted to explore the studio environment and challenge my typical workflow through limitations.

Usually my workflow will include a 2 input interface, in un-treated rooms at home, recording with endless tracks available to me and mixing in the box.

To remove myself from this I planned to use the studios, I recorded only to 8 Tracks (Though with many more inputs than I have at home) and I mixed using only hardware such as the console and rack processors/effects.

Amongst the exploration the goal for an actual deliverable was to create a short EP of similarly themed tracks. I ended up going for singer/songwriter style works.



Originally I wrote 4 demos for this project, these were intended to be light and somewhat bluesy in a similar style to the album 'Shoulda Been Home' by The Robert Cray Band. Funnily enough none of these demos made it onto the project however I think they were really good as a starting point that we were able to develop ideas from.

Finding Musicians

I wanted to work somewhat cross discipline in the project and so I contacted a few music students and friends from outside the uni to help play the songs, write lyrics and assist in the recording process.

We discussed our plans using google chat spaces which made it really easy to get all things people related organised in one place.


The planning for this project originally started out really well thought out and was set to go off with minimal troubles. This changed part way through as bands and arrangements changed for 'I Smile'. During this time I also recorded 'We Find Love' and 'I Will' which were more throw-together sessions that I had either planned the same day or planned within the hour as result of an impromptu session.

Practice Day

Primarily the practice day was so that the band could get to know each other and work on the songs all in one space in hopes that they would find a good vibe between them (Which would likely make for a better performance).

This practice day really helped to develop ideas and it created a clear idea of the sound the project would take on.

Recording 'I Smile'

'I Smile' was a fun session, we recorded 2 different songs that day and for the most part my plans for miking and placement of sound sources all worked out really well!

Recording 'We Find Love'

The sessions with Kaymin came about because he was visiting me in Yamba at the time and decided he was going to visit Byron for the day while I was recording 'I Smile'. We of course decided that if there was time left after the band, we would record him some piano songs that he had been wanting to do for a while.

It was a really good night and we ended up recording about 6 songs that will eventually be released as a Piano EP and with his permission I stole one to add to my project.

Recording 'I Will'

This session came as a bit of a surprise, the day started with classes as usual but for the afternoon we had some time to work on projects. To be honest I wanted a break from my project and instead I REALLY wanted to record something. From there I walked out to the cafe, scanned for musicians and saw Ben, I asked if he wanted to record a track and he was in! From there I spent a half hour setting up and we recorded 2 songs. These were really fun to track and I enjoyed the time crunch of "GO! do a session!". Similar to the session with Kaymin I then thought that I may be able to use it for my project and Ben was amazing and let me include it in the project.

Processing with Hardware

It was really interesting mixing using hardware processors and effect units. It was challenging to work with only the units available rather than my usual plugin suite. It was also interesting exploring the downfalls of hardware when certain units didn't work as they should or how they forced my to use my ears more where displays weren't functional, which for me is definitely a good thing to practice.

Mixing on Console

Mixing on the console was in some ways not as hard as I expected. Everything I use in a DAW could be found on the modules such as Sends, Inserts, EQ, Pans and Faders. One main issue I found however was the lack of groups for linked fader adjustments throughout the songs. Honestly, I forgot about groups but instead I went for a high-tech device I like to call "Pen-Taped-To-Faders". This was a fun variation to how I usually have to run a mix.

I then tried a master using hardware however this was really difficult and I ended up introducing some unwanted crackling on the tracks (which due to time limitations I couldn't resolve).


All Tracks Recorded and Mixed by: Jeshua Edwards

'I Will' by Ben Jansz

Written and Performed by: Ben Jansz.

'We Find Love' by Daniel Caesar (Cover by Kaymin Farmer)

Written by: Daniel Caesar.

Cover Version Performed by: Kaymin Farmer.

'Your Smile' by Pressure Djazz

Written by: Lloyd Gess, Crystal Wilkes, Kaymin Farmer and Jeshua Edwards.

Performed by: Crystal Wilkes (Vocals), Lloyd Gess (Guitar) and Adrien Schulz (Piano).

Assistant Engineer: Lloyd Gess.

Thanks to everyone who helped out!


This project was unpredictable, fun, educational and a really good insight into the differences between studio and at-home recording.

Initially I started off really strong, I had a style guide, demo's, a band organised and studio days booked, all before the project (as per curriculum) had even started. Initially the plan had been to create a 4 track EP in the style of Robert Cray's "Shoulda Been Home". I was going to record a band including drums, electric guitar, piano, keys, bass and vocals and we were well on track!

Fortunately I was still open to project development and was making myself not get too attached to the initial ideas, and this is a good thing. The day before our practice day we unfortunately had a band member pull out due to some personal circumstances. This ended up flipping the script and during practice day we adjusted to the new band set-up, we cut the drummer and bassist and ended up going for a more acoustic singer/songwriter sound. We edited the songs and then came up with an additional song.

During the recording day, other than some lateness due to traffic, everything went mostly to plan. Some things that were difficult was the lack of lyrics that were meant to have been written a week earlier (Though the singer/lyricist was busy with some major work outside of university). Fortunately I had my friend visiting and he's been working on getting into songwriting and so he was able to help with some general concepts for the track.

The other 2 tracks for the EP ended up coming in by surprise, one came from later that same day where I recorded a bunch of piano songs for Kaymin and the other came from some impromptu recording with Ben during a free afternoon where I had an itch to record something. Once I had all the recorded material I decided I should use what's there to finish off the EP.

One regret I have is that during the mastering process I discovered that there was a crackle coming from the inserts and I was unable to find the cause within the time available.

Overall the project was a great learning experience and I got to try out a lot of things I had been curious about such as mic techniques and placement, use of hardware processors and running a session in regards to working with artists and communication.

Contact Details

Name: Jeshua Edwards

Skillsets: Audio Production Services (Recording, Editing, Mixing, Studio Assistant).



Instagram: @jeshuaedwards_official


Contact me anytime!