Oberon Forest


Streaming Project

This project required us to run a live show and broadcast it via streaming platforms. We found 2 artists that were happy to play at our gig, a local band called Eyesite and another local musician named Ben Jansz. We set up the stage, the gear, rung out foldbacks and did sound check all within the time that we planned out so we were able to have the acts start and finish just as we planned it. The show ran perfectly, it sounded great, the live stream went off without a hit and there were no feedback issues.

Here is a short edit of both Eyesite and Ben Jansz that I put together from the live stream footage. Below is also a folder containing stage plans , an input list as well as the posters made by tom. There is also a folder containing the Pro Tools multi tracks that were recorded through the Behringer X32.




Ben Jansz

Project planning

The first thing we did during the planning process for this project was brain storm a list of possible venues and artists. We ended up deciding to run the show here on campus because we knew that we had good internet speed to run the live stream at a high quality and we already had everything we needed right here on campus which would save us fuel, time and overall make things a lot easier. I contacted a local band that I had played gigs with before called Eyesite and they were more than happy to play and Keanu knew another musician named Ben Jansz who quickly got on board, so just like that we had our musicians. The next step in the planning was to figure out what equipment these musicians would be bringing with them and what they required us to provide for them. We asked each of them to send us a stage plan so that we could put together an input list and figure out how we were going to lay out the stage. During class we many lessons going over the set up that we put together on the day of the project, each week we would throw something new into the mix weather it was cameras, streaming software or controlling the X32 remotely using the I pad.

Promotional Material

During week 5 Tom made these posters that we used to advertise the live stream. We printed out a bunch of copies and stuck them where ever we could and tom also resized them for Instagram posts and stories so that we could share them on social media and hopefully get a few people to watch the live stream as well as come to the gig.

Live Sound Production

This project went as smoothly as it possibly could have, there were no technical issues, no feedback and everyone enjoyed themselves including us, the musicians and the audience. The only thing that was a minor set back was the rain, but we set up marquee to shelter both the stage and the front of house. We had to pull out a few tricks to keep the power leads out of the rain but since it wasn't too heavy they just had to be elevated off the ground so that they weren't sitting in a puddle. Apart from that we also had to use 2 yamaha passive fold backs instead of the active QSC's that we were used to. This wasn't a major problem, we just had to run them with a power amplifier. Overall I think that the day was a huge success in regards to how the show went, although it would have been nicer if it was sunny and more people came out.

Project Planning

For this project we didn't have as much planning time as the streaming project, people were away for splendour and we didn't have class week 7 so it really only gave us 2 weeks to prepare and learn everything. The main things that we had to learn were the X32 Producer and how to run it as a master for the X32, this way we could use it as a second console from the side of the stage.


This is a website that I created using godaddy's website builder. I figured that website is something that I am going to need after I finish studying and I'm getting pretty close to the end of my degree, this site is some that is going to possible clients find me and is something that I will continue to build and work on throughout my career. This website includes a portfolio but is definitely not limited to it. The home page is where I've included general information on myself as well as the services that I offer, these being recording, mixing, live sound and post production. I've also included here a contact button as well as a tab with up coming events and new. The second page over on the menu is where the contact will take you if you click it in either of these places. On this page there is a template that allows users to get in touch with me directly from my site rather than having to email. This template asks clients to enter their name, email and a message, there is also the option to attach files such as wav's or anything really. Once the user hits send it will forward the email directly to my business email (audio@oberonforest.com). The next tab over on the menu takes you to my portfolio, this is a drop down section which has each of the 4 areas of work that I have included on my site. Clicking on one of these options in the drop down will take users to either my recording, mixing, live or post section of my portfolio where they can view projects that I have worked on in the past. This website is still a work in progress so I have 2 more tabs in the window which are still lacking in content for now but I will definitely be adding to in the future. These tabs are a tutorial page and a shop. In the tutorial page I plan to have tabs for each of the same categories I had in the portfolio section which have short videos giving tips and tricks for each category. For example, in the mixing tab I'll include a video on how to use an EQ or reverb send. I was thinking I could then upload these videos to Tik Tok or Instagram, then I could have more in depth versions on YouTube. On the shop page I plan to have three categories of sample packs, drums and one shots, melody packs and live sound libraries that are themed like a city scape or a jungle. I've set it up so users can create accounts and add items to their carts and check out. On my home page I will also have a promotion panel at the bottom the advertises new sample packs and upcoming events.


I've made an example template of an invoice and have come up with some rates that I think are reasonable based on results I've found when looking at rates for audio engineers. Multiple sources said that it's best to charge differently depending on the job so for things like mixes or episodes of a TV show I would charge per song or episode, where as for things like recording or live sound I would charge per hour. $40 per hour and $100-$200 per job seems to be a pretty standard rate among what I've seen. I also saw some studios charging per day with the price varying depending if you want to hire an engineer as well. On my website I've included a store where users can purchase sample packs, this is an extra for of revenue that requires no extra work once I've uploaded it. The more clients I funnel in the more people will see these sample packs, and the more I create the more money I'll generate.

Contact Details

Name: Oberon Forest

Skill sets: Mixing, Recording, Live sound, Post production, Composition, Musician

Email: audio@oberonforest.com