3 Blokes 'N' a Podcast

A Podcast Starring Nathanael Carr, Tom Moy and Luke Rugendyke




3 Blokes 'N' a Podcast is an audio/visual comedy podcast where Tom, Luke and Myself come together each episode and pick apart one movie from the bottom 100 list on IMDB. When creating this podcast my original inspirations and ambitions were derived from Red Letter Media's YouTube Series "Best of The Worst".

Audio Version

Video Version


3 Blokes n a Podcast

Production Bible

This was my production bible going into the creation of the podcast. As you can see it's quite barebones and minimal compared to one of a short film project. In this bible i go through my :

  • Ideas

  • Inspirations

  • Budgeting

  • Graphic design

  • Set design

  • Social Media design

I used programs like blender to really try and imagine what i wanted the set to look like in a minimal mock up I created.

Final Pitch

This was the Final pitch to the board and ultimately the one that got me green lit. In this pitch while i talk to them about what the deliverables specifically for this project, I go into further detail on how far this podcast could go and how it could branch out into different Areas of Films and other forms of Media. Some examples are:

  • Worst 100 albums

  • Worst 100 Television songs

  • Genre specific Lists

I quite enjoyed this aspect of the planning process.


Behind the Scenes



This trimester was a weird one, such little classes yet such work to do. As i found myself with a step in the industry, doing the job I want to pursue i made some stupid mistakes while producing this podcast. However, as this podcast was created with the aim to continue it at some point in the future, I was able to come away from the project with some useful lessons learnt about this podcast and how it should be produced:

  • Due to lack of Communication all 3 cameras on the day weren't calibrated with the same shooting settings as each other. This is the reason why the angle of Luke's close up wasn't used until the review section as we re calibrated before that section.

  • We all ran out of time as we all had other commitments and projects coming up so we occasionally went off on tangents while we regained memory of what happens in the plot next. While I didn't hate how "loose" the flow of the Podcast and conversations are, It definitely could of been structured more.

  • Communication among the team. To establish an effective way to organize and communicate with each other. I set up a discord server which contains meeting notes, Audio specific channels, Production channels and social media channels.

Regardless, I'm happy with how much potential the podcast has. We have plenty off movie and other media we could make content off, and different ways to create said content. We even have ambitions to have on special guests which could range from personal friends off hours to Australian filmmakers and people in the Australian Film making industry.

If you have any inquires directed at the Podcast or general feedback. Reach out to us at


Contact Details

Name: Nathanael Carr

Skillsets: Editor, Boom Operator, Continuity

Email: natcarr2@optusnet.com.au

Social Media: IG : @JosiahMediahouse