Tom Sands

Live Sound AUD314

There are no physical assets from this semester as it is live sound. As such what follows is a brief rundown of what we carried out during the term in order to satisfy the brief. There were two live events on campus that we ran the sound for as a group. The first comprised of two local acts and was set up independently for the purpose of the project while the second was for the live music at SAE open day.

Project 1

As mentioned we ran the sound for a live event organised for the sole purpose of us running the sound for a live event. Photographs, signal flow etc below

AUD314 Eyesite.drawio.pdf
AUD314 Eyesite.drawio.pdf
AUD314 Camera Signal Flow.drawio.pdf
Ben Jansz.mp4

Project 2

We then did the sound for the Open day. See below

Input List S16s.pdf
Stage Plan.pdf
Patch Diagram.pdf


This was an enjoyable module. I'm not sure the nature of it suits an online exhibition hence the lip service but I learnt a lot from my lecturer and my peers. At this stage in my degree I have a lot of important things to focus on and time is valuable. A thorough detail of everything we learnt and executed is in my learning journal where it belongs so if you are my lecturer then you already have a link for that and if not then I'm sure some of the other students in my class have more expansive exhibition pages.

Contact Details

Name: Tom Sands

Skillsets: Audio Engineer
