Sync Library


The objective of this project was to create music that can be utilised by third parties in media such as advertisements, animation, video games and more. This piece was created with the intention of accompanying an audio company's advertisement for noise-cancelling headphones. I am proud of how this piece turned out and I enjoy the way it makes me feel when listening along.

Genre Playlist


This piece was inspired by the musical work of Toby Fox in the video game "Undertale", lending itself to the "chiptune" or "8-bit" style. The process of composing and producing this song was both fulfilling and challenging at times. I ended up enjoying and appreciating the final product more than I thought that I would, although I do wish that I had a little more time to work on some details that might elevate the song as a whole.

Song a Week


The objective of the "song a week" project is to enter the compositional stage of songwriting with less concern for how the final product will turn out and more on the process of writing freely. I began this piece with the intention of focusing on melodic phrasing and how each phrase can be manipulated/inverted to create contrast within a piece of music. For this song a week I really enjoyed the sound selection and the "final" product.


Whilst my focus for this module has been mostly on compositional aspects of my work, I have also expanded my production arsenal significantly and will definitely be able to continue producing higher and higher calibre works with each term here at SAE. I am always searching to improve on my work and although I sometimes find it hard to appreciate some "mistakes" and pieces of work that I know aren't my best, I am learning to let these shortcomings improve my future bodies of work.

Contact Details

Name: AJ Martin
