Anna Tomaszewska

AUDIO: Trimester 5

This trimester has been a challenge for me. I have faced new tasks and built some confidence around live sound; I also chose to explore the world of ambisonic audio and composing out of field recordings - something I have never done before, and finally, needed to build and present a creative portfolio. It has been a very busy but rewarding time!

Studio 4 - Live Streaming and live sound production

Two of the Studio 4 projects were focusing on live sound production and live streaming event. Both took place at the SAE campus in Byron, and ran successfully!

Before this module, I was not particularly interested in live sound, which also translated to lack of experience in this field and - lack of confidence. We all worked together in a team, which helped me a lot with working things out and getting better at doing it.

The live streaming event was a great opportunity to combine live sound production with the live stream using professional cameras, which we learnt to operate on a basic level. I was really happy to learn something that's out of my "field", as I think there is an undeniable connection between those two worlds - this of sound and visual content. I am pretty sure this knowladge will come in handy in my future projects. From the technical point of view, I think we smashed it! The whole event got streamed well as planned, and there was no technical issues on the way. The only thing that we didn't know about and therefore, didn't consider, was the stream to Instagram which ended up with a fully cropped video. The live stream on Instagram only supports vertical videos - our video was horizontal, so it not only cropped the picture, but it also zoomed it in so much that it got quite ridiculous. Lesson learnt for another time. Below is some footage from the live stream day.

Ben Jansz.mp4

Ben Jansz



It technical side wasn't the only aspect of the projects though. There was also much to be done in the organisation aspect of it. We created some posters inviting to the live streaming event and the live event on campus, as well as input lists. The communication with artists was another important thing we needed to care about. It all felt like organising a real event from scratch - which it was in fact - and I think it was a great group learning experience.

Poster inviting to a free live performance on campus

Poster inviting to a live stream event

X32 Inputs 8:7 Live - updated 2.pdf

Input lists

The live sound project was focusing on more advanced live sound production, involving two Behringer consoles - one controlling the front of house speaker system and the other one - the foldbacks for artists. There was much research done and a lot of practical tasks completed to develop a clear understanding of the system we built for the event day. Before coming to the point of patching the equipment in a way presented below, we went a long way in class trying out different patchign set-ups. Experiencing that was extremely important for me and created a smooth transition from simple-patching set ups to the more complicated ones, yet requiring much less cable connections.

Patch Diagram.pdf

Patching diagram

Stage Plan.pdf

Stage plan

Input List S16s.pdf

Input/Output list

Live sound has always been my least liked amongst all the audio areas, and I've been always struggling with confidence, especially when speaking of live sound. I can say one thing: I have learnt so much and broke so many boundaries that I built myself and which were connected to the lack of experience and knowledge. I had never run any live sound event before this module, and I was really scared at the beginning and afraid of being not good at it. Thanks to all the practises we did in class and the participation in the projects, I gained some confidence in it. I know that it's still a beginner level, however, I'm so happy to having come so far, from knowing nothing to knowing and being capable of doing so much! Even if it's not the direction I'm aiming to follow, it is a personal goal I think I've achieved. I got quite comfortable operating the consoles and reacting fast to what was happening on stage, facing different weather conditions (it was raining all day long during the Live Sound event day!).

Studio 4: Portfolio

Project 3's focus was creating a portfolio showcasing my work.

Creating a portfolio/website was a long process. It required not only a lot of research and learning how to do it, but also a lot of patience and commitment. Choosing a clear portfolio direction was difficult for me for many reasons. Firstly, I was not sure how I should present myself as a creative. Secondly, throughout the study period at SAE, we have been introduced to many diffferent areas of audio, and I really liked most of them, including music production, audio for film and post-production work, field recording etc. My biggest problem was that although we have created many projects, I wasn't particularly feeling 100 % comfortable in most of the work we have done, for a simple reason - I haven't gained so much experience yet. I thought I would leave a bit of time for myself for gathering the experience and now - focus on something I am much more comfortable with - scoring and writing music. I truly enjoy doing this, and I thought why not give it a try and make it one of my future career directions?

The website is to be developed and expanded with other projects, and will published in the near future.

CIM 312: Major Project Development

This trimester was also a time devoted to focusing on my major project development, including researching, planning and exploring.

My major project is called "Our World Through the Ears of Ambisonics", and focuses on explorations of ambisonic sound recordings, but also the vast areas of field recording, sound art and composing using field recordings.

My choice was dictated by the fact that I wanted to delve into a totally new world for me, challenge myself and explore. I am currently in the phase of experimenting and recordnig as much as I can, trying to come up with some composing ideas and getting more in depth with the research. I am also a part of other students' major projects and hope to use my ambisonic recordings in their work as well.


Over the four last trimesters I understood how important the positive attitute and initiative really is, especially when it comes to learning. The major project development module has been a long ride, although it felt so quick. I can honestly say, that choosing the topic of ambisonics was not something I had planned; I became interested in it while researching and decided to explore it more - now it became my major project I am excited about. The research in combination with practical exploration have made me feel so much more confident in my choice, expading it with the interest in field recordings compositions and pushing me to discover sound art I have never before thought of. It has been a really inspiring journey, and it's just the beginning.

The Studio 4 module was a challenge for me, which I think I handled quite well. I learnt so much about live sound, not mentioning about organisational things and communication with the team and artists. A think I really appreciated was the teamwork - we had a great team, willing to help each other and learn together. Even though the live sound is not something I am particularly interested in, I feel so much better having gained some confidence in it. Throughout this trimester, I also set up a website/portfolio which I am going to expand with my future projects, and hopefully get it going soon! I don't think I would have done that without having to complete this project, and I am grateful for that!

Contact Details

Name: Anna Tomaszewska

Skillsets: Producer, Mixer, Musician, Composer, Sound Designer


Social Media: Instagram, YouTube (film scoring), YouTube (personal), Streaming platforms