Lino Printing

For my lino print design, I stumbled across a great composition within the ‘R’ of the Raleway font family - combining curved lines with a contrast of depth and strong, bold straight lines - Positioning them in a way that would allow the curved lines to flow throughout a repeating pattern.

Through the actual cutting process I made the mistake of cutting out the ‘negative’ instead, but was able to prepare a second one the correct way , and then actually use them both to create a different effect.

The colours used were chosen out of a large selection that i couldnt decide on, but I think the contrast and cohesiveness with the pattern was a good choice.



The tyrannical rise of plant based milk has allowed a whole new market to be tapped into in interesting, unique and creative ways - think Oatly, Minor figures, soy boy etc. I was disappointed to notice that my favourite oat milk wasn't really cutting it as far as aesthetic or marketing quality goes.

I chose to tap into the market that i can only describe as the type to turn their nose up at “that hippy crap” using a vernacular that would strike a chord with them through humour, crudeness and a kind of classic “f*ck you” attitude.

I utilised characters, a good catchy tagline and humour to approach the target market with optimistic caution.

Branding Project

I have always struggled with my own branding - I have been a professional photographer for several years and have never managed to make a branding identity stick with me personally - I always leaned more towards what I thought people wanted more than what I felt actually reflected me.

I went bold - using a large retro typeface combined with a pictorial mark that I have kept for a while to create something I really think reflects me and what I bring to the table as far as designing and photography goes. My colour palette reflects my favorite colours and tones - as well as really being able to leave a mark on clientele when i present business cards, invoices etc.

Other work

besides completing projects at sae, I have been working on pleeeenty of stuff alongside - both photographic and design based

My best friend, housemate and godfather to my child, this former SAE alumni is an extremely talented musician and has graced dancefloors across the country playing deep, hypnotic dance music. analog synthesis, intelligent, natural rhythms and a driving force of both darkness and light tomfoolery, I helped capture his essence by creating album art, a logo and a press photo for him.

Logo art

press photo

'shoganai' art



another bunch of beautifully talented friends. i have worked with this band for a while and have been creating posters for all their shows, aswell as taking photos and preparing to shoot a music video with them in the coming months

Album art for another local band 'EYESITE'

logo and art for a film photographer from sydney

Logo art for a cleaning

company based in nnsw >

Poster for a party thrown by a fellow SAE student

This trimester at SAE intitute was an interesting one - i found my self faced with new, unique challenges, but was glad to have experienced them because of what it has done for me emotionally as well as mentally - I have been able to get a firmer grasp on what I want from the industry, aswell as what I DONT want from the industry - I have realised that my ethics and morals must be respected in order to keep the love I have for the creative industry, and that I must keep true to the path I wish to follow to stop myself from falling into a creative rut. Ive stayed true to myself, my boundaries within the industry and learned as much as I could along the way

love yourself

give the dog a pat

go for a surf

take a photo

drink a margarita while the sun rises

Contact Details

Name: Daniel Marshall

Skillsets: Photography, Media and Design


Social Media: danpaul_photo danpaul_design