Tortoise and the Hare - Collaboration Project

Project Brief / Overview


References and Meeting notes

  • Tortoises head shape was originally going to be round but my client suggested making the tortoises head slightly curved on the top, and showed me one of the references she had chose as an example.

  • Client wants the tortoise to look innocent and friendly, and the Hare to look smug and athletic.


I presented the first illustration to my client to receive feedback. My client enjoyed the style and so I continued sketching the other illustrations and checking with her to make sure I am drawing what she envisioned for the story, and to also it made sense with her dialogue. Drafts are means to be rough so I typically use a pencil tool on any software I work on.

Below is all my sketches put into animatic format.


Cleaned up Illustrations

Once my client was happy with the rough illustrations I then outlined my work with a solid black paint brush tool.

Meeting Notes

  • I showed my client a range of colour pellets and tones for the characters and she preferred the soft pastel colours, as pastel colours are colourful but also not overwhelmingly bright for the eye.

  • There was an illustration I had previously drawn in the rough pass, which was the of the Hare character looking behind himself to see a tree. My client thought in the final cut that this illustration wasn't necessary to keep as we shifted a few illustrations around, and the story would still be explained fine.

Finished Product


Coloured Frames

My Movie

Imovie - including audio