Luke Bonner

Music for Linear and Non-Linear Narratives

Movie Trailer for Dune (Music for Linear Narrative)

Our work this trimester was centred around music for non-linear and linear narratives, primarily film and games. For this score, I wanted to convey the futuristic, tense and curious world of the popular Sci-Fi movie Dune.

I used a minimal amount of instrumentation, but instead focused achieving emotional engagement through subtle changes and a consistent melodic motif. I wanted to create a congruent feel throughout, whilst still keeping the audience deeply engaged with the visual scenes.

My Dune Trailer


For the Dune trailer, I used Ableton Live 11. I heavily utilised a great 3rd-party plugin called Vital. Vital is a very versatile synth engine that allows you to choose from a myriad of great preset patches, modify those or create your own from scratch.

Collaborative Work: Vampiric Love

For this score, I worked with students from Film, Design, Animation and Audio disciplines. The aim was to take an existing media and transform the themes, messages and aesthetics in it to normalise a lesbian relationship. To do this, many different clips from the show Adventure Time were edited together to create a new narrative. I then used Piano and Violin to create a slow, romantic piece to help tell the story.

I created the score for this trailer Logic Pro, using some collaborative narration and my original score, consisting of a custom Upright Piano VST and Romantic Violin section.


I have really enjoyed learning about vertical composition, music for game design and generative patches in Bitwig. Learning these different methods, tools and concepts has really opened up my mind to the musical possibilities I can create now. Having previously only composed in a traditional horizontal composition (except for live looping), understand what's possible, even in terms of sound and visual installations was incredibly eye-opening.

Contact Details

Luke Bonner

Music Production, Sound Design, Music for Movies, Games and Ads, Multi-Instrumentalist


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