Composition - Set Extension

Alexandra Craig


For this project I composited a 10 second clip into a hyper-realistic fantasy setting, changing the sky and adding in an old, abandoned castle in an area that is seemingly deserted of other people or buildings. The inspiration I had for this project was mainly from the Rivendell scenes from the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings films, as well as the beautiful architecture of abandoned castles. I mainly wanted a magical feel from the video and I do believe the sky I chose helps with this. My objective with this project was to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new since I had never done a Composition Set Extension project before and thought it would be fun to give it a try.

Final Render



These are the reference images I found some of which I used in my final render of this project.

The images I used in the final render are:

Collaborative Work:

These are some sketches I created of a Bunyip for Hope.


Reflect on what you have learned over the trimester, in particular your transferrable skills

This trimester I have learnt what goes into creating a Set Extension and a basic understanding of compositing itself, I enjoyed learning about this topic and stepping outside of my comfort zone in doing a project that I haven't done before or have really been exposed to. I was able to build up more knowledge of After Effects during this project, I did already have basic knowledge on how to use After Effects although that was mainly for creating animatics and adding music to it. My transferable skills have gotten a little better as I am able to stay on top of everything project wise and have finished them all on time to a level I was happy with. My communication skills do still need work and improved but I feel that it has gotten better as well as my confidence within myself and my own capabilities to finish a project that is fairly well done and that I can be proud of.

Contact Details

Name: Alexandra Craig

Skillsets: 2D animation, Concept art


Social Media: ArtStation - Alexandra Craig