Keanu Baker

(Audio Portfolio)

Trimester 5 - Bachelor of Audio Engineering

Class: Studio 4 Live Sound, Business /Creating a Portfolio (AUD 314) + (CIM 211) Cultural perspectives

This trimester we worked together as a Live sound audio crew and learnt how to plan, promote, organise and successfully pull off small scale live performances. We were put in real world situations every week, setting up all the necessary equipment and learning all the appropriate processes, in order to execute and understand what it's like to run a successful live sound/ audio business.

Project 1 - Live streamed Live Performances ! With guest artist Eyesite and Ben Jansz !

We set up a small scale live performance stage, with amplification, P.A (Public Address) Speakers, Behringer X32 Mixing console, recording equipment and live streaming video cameras, which were broadcasting the full performances of the artist who came to perform. Together we worked as a team to create posters to promote the performance and also created a run time plan to help us stick to the required schedule. The whole experience felt like a success and strengthened our ability to work better in a real work live sound performance and live streaming on the internet and social media.

Full Live Stream performances: Eyesite and Ben Jansz

EYESITE (1).mp4
Ben Jansz.mp4

Working @ Splendour In the Grass 2022 North Byron Parklands (first time doing audio work at a festival)

Having the opportunity to do work experience at Splendour in the Grass, this year, was an amazing and eyeopening experience. For me, it was an introduction the world or working at a big festival, and my first time being on the other-side, and behind the curtains of a large scale operation like 'Splendour'. My main roll was working behind the scenes at the Parklands stage, doing stage hand audio work. This consisted mainly of rolling leads, plugging in microphones, moving and carrying music equipment, taking direction from the stage manager and his team, assisting where ever possible and observing everything that goes into live sound audio at a festival. It was hard work and so much fun, I was able to work 7 hours days and also see some really cool live performances, all the while enjoying the experiences and companionships, I co-created with my surroundings. It really felt like the next step on my path as an audio and sound professional and my first peek, into the music industry on that level. I am so grateful to have been there.

Project 2/SAE Open Day, Audio for Live Performance!

With special guest & Josh Lee Hamilton and Dadu and Mateus (Music Duo).

Together as a group, our class set up a slightly larger scale stage, designed and tailored for a series of performances at SAE Open day, that took place on Saturday August 13th of this year. The setup required heavy lifting, allot of work and preparations to run as smooth as it did. We were in control of mixing the sound of the performers who came along on the day, set up their music equipment to performed original and cover songs, that they had rehearsed. It was raining, so we had to keep all the electronic equipment safe and out of reach of the water and rain. It was a challenge to work in the rain and it put our skills to the test, while pushing us to learn the better procedures, practices and protocol when working in in different weather conditions.

Collaborative Work - Class: Cultural perspectives (CIM 211)

As a collaborative group, we each brought something from our respective fields of study: Audio, Music production, Film and Animation; we worked together to create a remix of the Columbian song 'El Pescador (the fisherman)", remixing it into the modern style of EDM (electronic dance music). Combining digital and analogue technology, we recorded both live performance audio and digital samples. The high quality audio and video are embedded below, for your enjoyment, click or tap the files to listen and watch.

'El Pesrcador' EDM Remix .wav

Project 3: Portfolio, Business and Web design Projects

I began creating a website to promote myself as a recording artist, assisting and collaborating with others to create, compose, arrange and record musical works to be proud of. I have already begun working with others to achieve their vision and capture their ideas. I have also been recording and working in the studio to learn and get familiar with the recording equipment, software and instrumentation required to record music of higher quality and nicer sound.


This trimester has been amazing! I have been able to achieve personal and academic goals and milestones, visions and dreams. This is my journey to becoming a professional recording artist and sound engineer. I see it as as an opportunity to keep learning and expanding my world view, skills, and vision while doing what I love. I really do appreciate the community here at SAE, and I am so grateful to be studying here and enjoying the fruits our labour.

Contact Details

Name: Keanu Baker

Skillsets: Recording Artist, Studio engineer, Live Sound Engineer,

Producer, Composer, Arranger and Songwriter.


Social Media: Instagram - @Keanumusique