
Comic Strip 1

Pertini: Hi, Carla! Today I’m going to explain to my students some important articles of the Italian Constitution which are fundamental for our society.

Carla: Be careful, don’t bore them!

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President: My plan is to take them around Lucca and let them understand that there is a deep bond between our Constitution and our daily life, starting from symbolic places of the city.

Carla: Good, it’s a great idea!!

Pertini arrives at school

Pertini: I hope I can make it!

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After calling the roll, he takes the class around Lucca; the first stop is the seat of the Prefecture.

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DS Venturi: Good morning teacher and good morning students. Where are you going?

Pertini: Good morning headmistress.. I’ve organized a school trip to Lucca in order to explain to my pupils the Constitution, connecting several articles to the city.