Saint Francesco's Square

Saint Francesco's Square is named after a former cloister where Franciscan friars used to live.

The Gothic facade of the church characterises the area with its imposing lines. The front wall is characterised by alternating white and grey limestone stripes. In this wide area several cultural events often take place, such as exhibitions, conferences and concerts.

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Lorenzo: Mr. President, today I heard my mum speak to her friend on the phone and she was complaining about the fact that women at work are not treated the same way as men.

Pertini: In the past the conditions of women were even worse than now. Luckily, in these years Parliament has legislated in order to foster gender equality at work and in our society.

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Lorenzo: Mr. President, do you think that we have really achieved gender equality?

Pertini: Of course not, we must still work hard to achieve that important goal.

Art. 37 Cost.

Working women are entitled to equal rights and, for comparable jobs, equal pay as men. Working conditions must allow women to fulfil their essential role in the family and ensure appropriate protection for the mother and child. The law establishes the minimum age for paid labour. The Republic protects the work of minors by means of special provisions and guarantees them the right to equal pay for equal work.