The Prefecture

The Prefecture, or Territorial Office of the Government of Lucca, is located in the premises of the building “Palazzo Ducale”, in Napoleon Square, the largest in the city. In the past it did not house organs of power; only in 1316 Castruccio Castracani identified this building as a business centre. Later, starting from Paolo Guinigi, Lord of Lucca, there were several maintenance works on the architectural complex, which also became the home of Maria Luisa di Borbone and Elisa Bonaparte; later it became the seat of the State Government until the annexation to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Comic strip 1

Pertini and the students arrive in front of the Prefecture.

Pertini: Here we are at “Palazzo Ducale”. You know a long time ago the Duchesses of Lucca lived here.

Comic strip 2

Francesca: President, is it true that, according to Article 1 of the Constitution, Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour?

Pertini: Yes, the democratic and the working principles characterize our country. Here we can see a very important governing authority: the Prefecture.

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Alberto: Why is the Prefecture so important?

Pertini: Dear students, you must know that the Prefecture has functions of general representation of the government on the territory.

Art.1 Cost.

Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour. Sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised by the people in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution.