St. Frediano’s Church

Saint Frediano’s Basilica is among the most ancient churches in Lucca and for sure it is one of the most fascinating and rich in culture.

It was built in the XII century and its origins can be traced back to the VI century. It is characterised by Romanesque architectural style. The facade shows a beautiful golden mosaic which depicts the Ascension, where Christ is surrounded by angels and the Apostles (XIII century).

Inside the church visitors can enjoy several wonderful works of art, such as the baptismal font (XII century); “Madonna with Child and Saints” by Ansano Ciampanti and Amico Aspertini (XVI century); “the Annunciation and Saint Bartolomeo” by Fra' Mattia della Robbia; the ancient floor (XII century); the Chapel where a shrine with Saint Zita’s body is (XIV century).

Every 13th September the suggestive Procession starts here on Saint Cross day.

Comic strip 1

Church Sant. Frediano, ice-cream break.

Carlo: Mr. President, this month even if my dad worked extra hours, he didn’t earn enough salary and he was very angry.

Pertini: What you’re saying is really bad. Indeed, the employer must pay workers a remuneration commensurate to the quantity and quality of their work .

Comic strip 2

Marco: Do workers have other rights?

Pertini: Sure! They have the right to a weekly rest and paid annual holiday. No-one should give up these rights.

Art. 36 Cost.

Workers have the right to a remuneration commensurate to the quantity and quality of their work and in any case such as to ensure them and their families a free and dignified existence. Maximum daily working hours are established by law. Workers have the right to a weekly rest day and paid annual holidays. They cannot waive this right.