Newsagent's in Fillungo Street

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Pertini and the students stop in Fillungo street in front of a newsagent’s in order to look at the news.

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Pertini: look carefully at the posters showing the breaking news of the newspapers. What do you notice?

Carlo: Each newspaper highlights the news in a different way.

Pertini: Good pupils! You have just grasped the concept of freedom of thought.

Massimo: But teacher, this can be confusing! Every journalist has a different view of reality!

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Pertini: Think about how you might feel if someone forbade you to express your thought in class or to discuss with friends.

Massimo: I would not take it well.

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Pertini: You know, guys, that the constituent fathers wrote article 21 of the Constitution to prevent what you have just realized from happening.

Students: So we can spread our thoughts even with our SmartPhone.

Pertini: Of course, provided it is in compliance with the rules.

Art.21 Cost.

Anyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, or any other form of communication. The press may not be subjected to any authorisation or censorship. Seizure may be permitted only by judicial order stating the reason and only for offences expressly determined by the law on the press or in case of violation of the obligation to identify the persons responsible for such offences. In such cases, when there is absolute urgency and timely intervention of the Judiciary is not possible, a periodical may be confiscated by the criminal police, which shall immediately and in no case later than 24 hours refer the matter to the Judiciary for validation. In default of such validation in the following 24 hours, the measure shall be revoked and considered null and void. The law may introduce general provisions for the disclosure of financial sources of periodical publications. Publications, performances, and other exhibits offensive to public morality shall be prohibited. Measures of preventive and repressive measure against such violations shall be established by law.