The church of Saint Martino

The church of Saint Martino, whose historical origins are somehow related to Saint Frediano, is the Cathedral of the city of Lucca; historical information dates back to VIII century. Later, starting from the XI century, it was rebuilt and consecrated in 1070. The austere Romanesque-Gothic style mirrors the typical Medieval intense religiousness. Inside the Cathedral visitors can admire extraordinary works of art, such as “The Last Supper” by Tintoretto, “Madonna on throne with Child and Saints” by Domenico Ghirlandaio, “Funerary Memorial to Ilaria del Carretto” by Jacopo della Quercia and the small temple built by Matteo Cividali which contains the well-known Holy Face.

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After Amphitheatre Square, Pertini arrives in front of the cathedral “San Martino” and speaks of Article 7 of the Constitution.

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Alessandra: What a beautiful church, President !!! Why did you take us right here?

Pertini: Good question!!! You must know that the next article talks to us precisely of the relationship between Church and State. And this is your splendid cathedral: San Martino.

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Alessandra: President, what is the relationship between the State and the Church?

Pertini: Their relationship is regulated by the Lateran Pacts, that is by a mutual independence agreement. Our state defines itself as "secular".

Art. 7 Cost.

The State and the Catholic Church are independent and sovereign, each within its own sphere. Their relations are regulated by the Lateran pacts. Amendments to such Pacts which are accepted by both parties shall not require the procedure of constitutional amendments.