Lucca Railway Station

The central building of Lucca railway station was built in the first half of the 19th century by the engineer Enrico Polhmeyer and Vincenzo Pardini, an architect from Lucca. The building was inaugurated on 29th September in 1846.

The facade is characterised by artistic features typical of the 19th century, although some changes have occurred over the years.

The number of passengers is considerable, particularly during rush hours in the morning and in the evening, when the station is filled with commuters. In Lucca train station all regional trains stop, the most important of which are bound for different destinations such as Florence, Aulla, Viareggio and Pisa.

Furthermore a train for Livorno and a bus to Pisa airport run everyday.

About 4.000 passengers use the station daily.

Comic strip 1

Pertini and the pupils arrive in front of the railway station of Lucca.

Comic strip 2

Marco: Why are we at the station now?

Alessandra: There are so many people!!!

Pertini: Guys, lots of people used to come here and keep coming to the station for different good reasons; also many immigrants, as you can see.

Comic strip 3

Pertini: Over the past years a lot of inhabitants of Lucca left the city to look for a job around the world, as you can find out thanks to all the documents and pictures collected in Paolo Cresci museum. Our country is based on hospitality.

Gabriele: As a matter of fact, President, yesterday on the news I heard someone talk about article 10 of the Constitution .

Art. 10 Cost.

The Italian legal system conforms to the generally recognised principles of international law. The legal status of foreigners is regulated by law in conformity with international provisions and treaties. A foreigner who, in his home country, is denied the actual exercise of the democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian constitution shall be entitled to the right of asylum under the conditions established by law. A foreigner may not be extradited for a political offence