Saint Michael's church


Sant’Anastasio's Church

Saint Michael's church

Saint Michael's is in St. Michael’s Square, an area that is circumscribed by heavy metal chains. The building has ancient origins (VIII century) and was completed in XVI century. The majestic beauty of the Romanesque- Gothic architecture is rich in columns, lozenges and several decorations. Visitors will be fascinated by the legend about the statue of Saint Michael, according to which an emerald is hidden somewhere in the majestic statue of the Saint. The elegant, “medieval” and imposing church perfectly mirrors the refined city of Lucca. Art lovers can appreciate three great works inside the church: “Madonna with Child” by Andrea della Robbia, made of enamelled terracotta ; “Pala Magrini” by Filippino Lippi, which represents the Saints Girolamo, Sebastiano, Rocco and Elena; the high relief of the Virgin sculpted by Raffaello da Montelupo.

Saint Anastasio's Church

The Church is very ancient and goes back to IX century. Today it is dedicated to Saint Anthony the Great. Exactly on the two ends of the front door two proud lions stare at visitors and the devotees, ready to defend the sacred place from the unworthy. Currently the Orthodox ceremony is celebrated in front of the worshippers.

Comic strip 1

After a short stroll the class arrives in front of Saint Michael’s Church.

Eleonora: "Mr. President, are all religious confessions equally free according to the Constitution?"

Comic strip 2

Pertini: "Yes guys. Here you can see Saint Michael's church, that is one of the most important Catholic Italian churches, but in a square near here there is the Orthodox church Saint Anastasio's!

Art. 8 Cost.

All religious denominations are equally free before the law. Denominations other than Catholicism have the right to self-organisation according to their own statutes, provided these do not conflict with Italian law. Their relations with the State are regulated by law, based on agreements with their respective representatives.