SFC Training Module

Welcome to the SFC Virtual Summer Retreat

By attending this training, we hope students will......

  • Get to know one another and form expectations

  • Have a better understanding of the tools and resources available

  • Have a better sense of the calendar and flow of the year

  • Have a better understanding of the stakeholders involved in the SFC process

  • Understand the guidelines and how to use them

  • Understand the history and purpose of student fees at Portland State

  • Understand and be able to apply viewpoint neutrality

  • Be able to read a budget

Other SFC-specific trainings available:

Trainings and networking options:


Monday, June 13

Day 1 zoom recording

10-11 am Overview of training, setting ground rules, icebreaker

11 am - 12 pm Understanding the roles of the SFC, conflicts of interest, expectations, and how to utilize your advisors

12:00-1:00 Bring your lunch!

1:00-2:00 Who's Who at PSU?

2:00-3:00 Introduction to Fee Funded Areas (FFA)

3:00-4:00 Calendar for the Year Overview

4:00-5:00 SFC Tools and Resources

Tuesday, June 14th

Day 2 zoom recording

10am-10:30am Welcome to the second day!/Icebreaker

10:30am-11:30am Stakeholder Engagement Training as it relates to SFC

11:30 am - 12:30 pm FFA Panel

12:30pm-1pm Lunch Break

1pm-2pm Mandatory fees presentation

2pm-3pm PSU Incidental Fee History

3pm-4pm Viewpoint neutrality

4-5 pm Skeleton overview of guidelines, guidelines question creation

Wednesday June 15th

Day 3 zoom recording

10am-10:30am Welcome to the third day!/Icebreaker

Calendar for the year overview

11:30am-12:30pm Guidelines quiz activity

12:30pm-1pm ZOOM BREAK

1-2 pm How to Read a Budget


  • Chair and Vice Chair Election

  • Overview of keeping minutes and set expectations

  • ParliPro and Open Public Meeting

  • Liaison Assignments

  • Approval of Yearly Calendar

  • Case Studies and Role Plays

  • Discussion: groundrules for the year and what to do if they are broken

  • Virtual office visits

  • Review Rollover/overage forms and process

  • Budget template planning

  • Athletics Formula

  • HR policies

  • Plan budget school

  • Funding philosophy

  • ELSA Policy