Vice President

Time Commitment: 20 Hours Per Week

Organizational Role

The Vice President’s role is to make sure that ASPSU maintains retention and strong internal correspondence while working on projects they might have as their personal goals. The vice president works hard to promote and enrich the student’s experience of Portland State University. The Vice President’s role is any action which supports the students of Portland State University as a legislatively mandated student organization whose purpose is to provide a formal means of communication between students, student organizations, faculty and the University administration; to advocate for students and provide for student representation on University committees; to provide programs and services not otherwise offered; and to provide a process for students to participate fully in the allocation of student fees.

Duties and Responsibilities

First Month

  • Review all training documents and become familiar with on-boarding and retention materials.

  • SALP and OSA On-boarding training.

  • Learn and refresh Robert's Rule's of Order for first Senate meeting in June.

  • Call and preside over the first Student Senate of the new Administration.

  • Establish plans to coordinate campaign goals with the goals you establish before the first Student Senate of Fall Term.

  • Get in contact with all relevant staff and administration. Introduce yourself and share contact info.


Summer Quarter

  • Organize Leadership Core and Executive Committee meeting times with the President.

  • Assist the President in identifying and organizing faculty and staff to speak at the Executive Committee meetings.

  • Connect with OSA and SALP to ensure training material is current and effective.

  • Assist the President in organizing the agenda items for Executive Committee meetings.

Fall Quarter

  • Assist the J-Board Chair in Presenting Constitutional Literacy Training however necessary.

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter

  • Along with the President, Executive Staff and Judicial Review Board are responsible for the ASPSU Annual Election.



    • Send out the Senate Agenda bi-weekly in compliance with Oregon Public Meeting Law

    • Support and monitoring of the implementation of goals as outlined by the president.

    • Call and preside over the bi-weekly Student Senate

    • Monitor the actions, proposals, policies, and procedures of all local, state, and other governing bodies that may affect the members of the Association.

    • Responsible for monitoring the administrative and academic responsibilities and procedures of the University for their impact on individual members of the Association and on the activities of the ASPSU organization.

    • Act as liaison between the administration as a whole and ASPSU.

    • Attend, as often as possible, ASPSU Events to promote student and organizational engagement.


    • Connect with the Executive Staff Director and the Operations Director to ensure OPML and attendance compliance.

    • Add student group and ASPSU events to the Google Calendar as they occur.

    • Meet and update with the ASPSU SALP Advisor weekly or bi-weekly.

    • Organize and plan prosocial ASPSU activities.


    • Decorate and update the XL ASPSU Event Wall Calendar for the month.


    • Organize Leadership Core and Executive Committee meeting times with the President

    • Review the Judicial Review Board once every quarter and report this to the senate.

    • Set Leadership Core Term Goals with the President.

    • Organize ASPSU Town Hall with the Student Life Committee.

As needed.

    • Attend Director-led committees to assist with goals and engagement plans.

    • Connect with those who you feel have not been engaged or are struggling with compliance.

    • Assume all duties pertaining to the office of ASPSU President if the President is unable to perform those duties.

Points of Contact

This should be points of contact that your position should reach out tor regardless.

Words of Wisdom

(This section, except for Senators as there would be too many to fit on a page, would be a good place to put in our reflections at the end of the year to pass them on to the next organization. The one on the page can cycle every year, but we can store all the reflections themselves in a Google Doc for posterity and less clutter.)

This should be about 3-4 paragraphs at least, and should contain information about people you have reached out to, not just offices, initiatives you have furthered, and things you learned in the position that would have been better to know beforehand. Will help to inform the next section and overall planning the following years.

Vice President | Reflection

Reflecting, I think the thing that stuck out to me the most was some of the commitment from members and the stepping-up that I saw when the organization was struggling to transition. As the former J-Board Chair and now the Vice President, I think most of my reflection comes from a bit of a different perspective than most. I realized there is a need for administrative guidance and structure that I hope will ultimately help others in this body do their job and understand what their responsibilities are. It is my hope to get to know all of the directors and have sufficient communication with them so they are both accountable and supported in their duties. I want to be the leader that everyone needs and that means I am looking for genuine feedback from my peers and also the opportunity to learn about what everyone’s needs are. Ultimately I think ASPSU needs strong leadership and someone who is willing to be kind but firm.

Alexandra Modjeski

Refresh Contacts

These should be contacts that you, personally, have reached out to during the year and what they might be reached out to for in the future. This will allow future admins to call back on previous contacts for events and offering support.

Onboarding. This Information will be used for the onboarding checklist, and supplement the checklist for this position. It *might* not be on this page. Fill these sections with your thoughts about what onboarding should look like for your position so I don't have to send out 2 links for y'all :)

Starting in Summer

  • Review Robert's Rules of Order procedures.

  • Review On-boarding and retention documents.

  • Organize Leadership Core and Executive Committee meeting times with the President.

  • Clean up and prepare for your new administration. This is time for you Organize and prepare the ASPSU Office for the coming year; update the XL wall calendar, clean the space, assign director computer stations, make the space generally engaging and inviting for students. Also do this throughout summer term.

  • Begin to prepare training materials for Fall Term Training

  • Create a plan of action to achieve your campaign goals.

  • Keep the office clean and clutter free.

  • Set summer term office hours for weekly meetings (tele-communication and/or in-person is acceptable)

  • Help hire and interview for available positions coming into fall term if necessary.

  • Work with the J-Board Chair to prepare Constitutional Literacy Training

  • Prepare and brainstorm together with the President to establish and publish administrative goals and objectives by the first fall meeting of the Student Senate.

  • Before the first Senate Meeting of the Fall Term, ensure an accurate vote recording method is implemented. Best option for this is the Google Sheet to attach in all Senate Agendas for easy access.


  • Organize campaign and engagement efforts.

  • Work with the Publicity Affairs Director to publicize information about ASPSU efforts of engagement.