Watch this video to learn more about ASPSU!

The Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) is your Student Government. We are a group of passionate student leaders devoted to selflessly serve the 26,000 students at Portland State University. We are committed to advocate for and represent the interests of all students at Portland State, at the university and state level. ASPSU consists of various committees that collectively help to advocate for the broader student interest.


We, Associated Students of Portland State University, aim to:

    • Advocate for and represent the interest of students before internal and external bodies;

    • Facilitate formal needs of communication and interaction between students, student organizations, faculty, and University administration;

    • Identify and develop services not offered by other divisions of the University;

    • Provide a process for students to fully participate in the allocation of student incidental fees.

Review the following Governing Documents

Review the Organizational Structure

ASPSU contains 42 members! Excluding ad hoc committees, we have a total of 12 committees that include 8 director-led committees, the Judicial Review Board (JRB), Student Fee Committee (SFC), Executive Cabinet, and Senate. Review the chart on the left and below for reference!

Watch the following ASPSUwho training!

ASPSWho? [2021 Update]

Where are we located in SMSU?

First Floor of Smith Memorial Student Union

1825 SW Broadway, Suite 117
(if you are facing the Information Hub by the Broadway entrance, go down the hallway to your left)

Questions? Contact an LCORE member for a follow up