Student Life Director

Time Commitment: (10-20 hrs)

Organizational Role

Much of the quality of the college experience is predicated on the presence of extra curricular and co- curricular activities. Such activities help contribute to the healthy social life of the college student, as well as broadening the opportunities for cultural and intellectual development. Given Portland State University’s status as a non-traditional, commuter campus, ASPSU believes it is of paramount importance to actively support such activities and encourage their growth through appropriate policy advocacy and event programming. As such, the area of Student Life shall concern itself with the activities, programs, functions, and events on campus and the support thereof. The student life director serves as a liaison between all recognized SALP student groups sending them constant updates regards ASPSU updates and show make an effort to attend some events student groups hosts especially cultural shows, programming, etc. The Student Life Director is also responsible for helping to draft the monthly ASPSU newsletter sent to the general student body and bulletin boards outside the office and across the main SMSU hallway.

Duties and Responsibilities

First Month

    • Schedule to meet with the following individuals: Assistant Dean of Student Life & Director of SALP, Dean of Student Life & Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Greek Life Advisor, Rec Clubs Coordinator, Athletics Director, and the Director for University Housing & Residence Life.


Summer Quarter

  • Understand the student population/ demographics at PSU

  • Familiarize with how to navigate the ASPSU iDrive, enforcing Roberts Rules, and a general overview of the ASPSU bylaws and constitution.

  • Learn how to create an agenda, create zoom meetings if applicable, how to access the student life director aspsu email, create a feasible timeline, and sending out calendar invites.

  • Send out introductory emails to senators in your committee before Fall term.

  • Learn how to navigate the myemma software for newsletter

  • Plan when your committee meeting will meet based of everyones availability

Fall Quarter

  • Schedule 1:1's to meet with your senators to learn more about them: Why they joined? Strengths vs weaknesses? etc.

  • Review past and current initiatives to plan what your committee would like to work on

  • Check in and co-program with student groups if possible

  • Delegate tasks for each senator: note taker, newsletter, bulletin board, and student group liaisons.

  • Help to plan the Fall Townhall Forum

  • Work on respective initiatives and draft potential resolutions to present to senate

  • By week 8, plan the new committee time for Winter term

  • Schedule monthly meetings with the Director of SALP & Dean of Student Life.

Winter Quarter

  • Delegate tasks for each senator: note taker, newsletter, bulletin board, and student group liaisons.

  • Help to plan the winter townhall forum By week 8, plan the new committee time for Spring term

  • Schedule monthly meetings with the Director of SALP & Dean of Student Life.

  • Work on respective initiatives and draft potential resolutions to present to senate

Spring Quarter

  • Delegate tasks for each senator: note taker, newsletter, bulletin board, and student group liaisons.

  • Help to plan the spring townhall forum

  • Schedule monthly meetings with the Director of SALP & Dean of Student Life.

  • Work on respective initiatives and draft potential resolutions to present to senate

  • Work on transition documents for the new SLC director


Points of Contact

Peter Kramer, Rec Clubs Coordinator


    • Checking in with senators to see if they understand what their weekly assignments are

    • Attend biweekly Senate meetings


    • Sending out weekly agendas 24 hrs before the meeting

    • Attend Executive meetings

    • Put meetings and agendas in both the shared & public ASPSU iDrive


    • Help create content for newsletter and bulletin boards in the SMSU hallways

    • Schedule individual 1:1's for point of contacts


    • Assist to plan Townhall forum

As needed.


Greetings my successor!

As the succeeding student life director, first, let me compliment your appointment and welcome you to the student life committee! The role of the Student Life Director is not only to facilitate the student life committee but also to assist to increase student engagement by any means necessary whether that's through programming or attending events on campus. My advice to you to become the best student life director you can be which includes being open-minded, being committed, and being your true authentic self.

Portland State University is a non-traditional, commuter campus that happens to be Oregon's most diverse university. It's important when moving forward to be open-minded to the folks and different student demographics you encounter on campus. People come from different cultures, religions, backgrounds, etc. leading to stereotypes or bias, but I encourage you to be open to having discussions with these folks to learn more about them. Daily you will not be greeted by happy students but instead with students who are frustrated, confused, and agitated. Don't take to heart what some students might say. remember to be empathetic in terms of hearing out the root of their pain and asking them what you can do with the power you have as the Student Life Director to help resolve the situation. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE STUDENT WHEN SPEAKING, ask open ended questions, and make sure the student leaves knowing their concerns where heard and talk to your committee of how to move forward with addressing the issue that was brought up.

It's important to remember why you became the Student Life Director especially in times where you might feel defeated or overwhelmed. You need to remember your commitment to serving the student body and becoming the student champion they need to ensure their voices are heard. You need to be committed to following a timely schedule of sending out agendas, following up with folks, and showing up to meetings on time. The results you want only depends on the amount of energy you put into working towards achieving a goal. Remember to lead with others and not by yourself. Make sure to not outshine other students, instead wrk together so you'll all shine throughout the process.

BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF! DO NOT PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT! It's important when moving forward to not try to be someone else because you feel the need to. Your best work will only happen when you're able to be yourself around your work environment. Do not show folks a masked version of yourself instead show who you are as a person. Showing your authentic self makes a difference in terms of helping people open up to you. Lead by example showing folks that its okay for them to be themselves while in this leadership position because they'll become more comfortable around the committee which promotes team bonding and community building a-lot faster then using traditional methods.

Please reach out if you ever need help with anything! Best of luck on the position and God bless!

Best Regards,

-Motu (SLD 2019-2020)

Director of Student Life Committee | Reflection

Refresh Contacts

  1. Michelle Toppe (Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Dean of Student Life - Student Affairs)

  2. Kevin Neely (Associate Vice President of Government Relations)

  3. Aimee Shattuck, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Director of SALP

  4. Brian Janssen (Director of Student Organization Advising)

  5. Candace Avalos, Coordinator of Student Government and Advisor for Greek Life

Onboarding. This Information will be used for the onboarding checklist, and supplement the checklist for this position. It *might* not be on this page. Fill these sections with your thoughts about what onboarding should look like for your position so I don't have to send out 2 links for y'all :)

Starting in Summer
