Understanding Your Budget

This page will help you understand which parts of your budget go into the appropriate index codes.

Your Budget Line Items

This page will help you understand which parts of your budget go into the appropriate index codes.

Educational Leadership Service Awards (ELSAs):

  • Purple column: the amount of terms that this position is awarded, so 4 = 4 terms, so that position is funded summer, fall, winter, and spring. If it is 3 terms, the position is funded only through fall, winter, and spring.

  • Blue column: the total number of terms paid for that position. For example, for Directors, since there are 8 positions, and they are each funded at 4 terms, 8 x 4 = 32

  • Black column: the ELSA rating for that position, and that rating coincides with the amount listed in the highlighted column. So, ELSA rating #9 is funded at $2800 per term

  • Red column: the total ELSA amount for the ELSA rating in the black column

  • Highlighted: this column shows the total amount of money spent on that ELSA, so blue column x red column = highlighted column. The total amount for ALL ELSAs is reflected at the very bottom, and also at the top in blue where it says "TOTAL"

Oregon Student Association (OSA):

  • OSA helps us lobby for student issues

  • They also work with ASPSU and other student goverments to help on variuos projects

  • They only take what they need (hence the dues)

  • They help us establish a productive environment


  • Programing funds change yearly, it depends on the administration. For the 2020-21 administration Directors have $1,500 for the whole year.

  • Directors use programing money to accomplish initiatives that will better the student body, this can be seen through raffles, engaging the student population in events, spreading awareness of an issue/cause.

  • Another way to look at programing is ASPSU's way to connect with the students. To hear feedback, listen to issues and see what we can do to help.

Travel/ Board meetings:

  • COVID-19 has changed what ASPSU use to do before. Due to the virus and other external factors, ASPSU no longer will have face-to-face board meeting with OSA (which is why you only see one here). Additionally, the number of conferences that ASPSU attend has shrunk.

  • The money dedicated to these conferences will go used this year. However, once safe in person contact is allowed these conferences will be held once again!

For brief background on each of these conferences look below:

OSCC: https://orstudents.org/osccon/

OSERA: https://orstudents.org/oregon-student-equal-rights-alliance/

Index codes (for SFC purposes)

20101: Office & Administrative Supplies = Office & General Supplies

22010: Telecom Recurring Charges = Phones

24201: Equipment Leases = Printing Lease

28204: General Admin Overhead Charge = Administrative Overhead

28600 : Conferences/Entertainment/Etc = Board Meeting Travel

39000 : Travel = Conferences & Retreats

28613: Public Relations/Fund Raising = Campaign Based Work (+ Director Funds in Strategic Ask)