
Time Commitment: 25-30 hours/week

Organizational Role

ASPSU Executive Leader: The President’s role is that of the executive leader. You serve to make sure that ASPSU maintains retention and strong internal correspondence while working on projects they might have as their personal goals. You create the goals that the entire ASPSU student government shall act upon and support. It should be noted that a good leader looks to their team to determine goals that are in line with the rest of body's wishes. The President works to promote and enrich the student’s experience of Portland State University.

Maintain Communication btw the PSU Administration & Student Body: The President’s role is broadly any action which supports the students of Portland State University as a legislatively mandated student organization whose purpose is to provide a formal means of communication between students, student organizations, faculty and the University administration; to advocate for students and provide for student representation on University committees; to provide programs and services not otherwise offered; and to provide a process for students to participate fully in the allocation of student fees.

Serve on OSA Board of Directors: You are to serve on the Board of Directors, and other OSA sub-committees as your involvement can sustain, within OSA to represent and advocate for Portland State student interests on the larger Oregon University system of advocacy. As President you have the main responsibility to be the voice and connector of the student body (ASPSU) to administrators and larger PSU initiatives.

Hiring, Firing, & Membership Accountability: You are the main person with hiring and firing capabilities, but that process could be shared with members of LCORE and Executive Cabinet. The office of the President of ASPSU may be held, as long as the requirements set forth in this Constitution are satisfied, for a maximum of two academic years.

Duties and Responsibilities

First Month

    • Review all of Constitution and ASPSU governing documents within first month of office. Ensure to incorporate this into the summer training to have all members read the constitution and relevant bylaws that are applicable to their position

    • Send out applications for Student Fee Committee and Executive Committees, setting up interviews with Applicants within first 2 weeks in office.

    • Set up meetings with Administrators and other important contacts as defined in "Points of Contact".

    • Establish a written agreement, subject to approval by the Student Senate, for each salaried or appointed position prior to hiring for the position, which clearly outlines its duties and responsibilities and grounds for attention requests if duties and responsibilities are not followed.

    • Research including the understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order, budget maintenance, and any necessary preparations for meetings

    • Establish and publish their goals and objectives by the first fall meeting of the Student Senate.

    • Formally introduce yourself to the PSU administration and reach-out to the Presidents office to help schedule appointments for you to meet with the Vice Presidents, Provosts, Deans, Faculty Senate, Board of Trustees, PSU Foundation, and other FFA's and student services.

    • Establish a mode of formal mode of communication between LCORE and the Executive Cabinet. Help Directors develop projects to work on and partner with existing initiatives.


Summer Quarter

  • Responsible for the publication of an annual quarterly compilation of Student Senate resolutions, Constitution and Judicial Review Board rulings, Student Fee Committee rules and procedures, and all other rules, policies, and procedures of ASPSU affecting the student body including quarterly reporting on OSA activity and decisions with a focus on benefits to PSU students.

Fall Quarter

  • Responsible for the publication of an annual quarterly compilation of Student Senate resolutions, Constitution and Judicial Review Board rulings, Student Fee Committee rules and procedures, and all other rules, policies, and procedures of ASPSU affecting the student body including quarterly reporting on OSA activity and decisions with a focus on benefits to PSU students.

Winter Quarter

  • Responsible for the publication of an annual quarterly compilation of Student Senate resolutions, Constitution and Judicial Review Board rulings, Student Fee Committee rules and procedures, and all other rules, policies, and procedures of ASPSU affecting the student body including quarterly reporting on OSA activity and decisions with a focus on benefits to PSU students.

Spring Quarter

  • Responsible for the publication of an annual quarterly compilation of Student Senate resolutions, Constitution and Judicial Review Board rulings, Student Fee Committee rules and procedures, and all other rules, policies, and procedures of ASPSU affecting the student body including quarterly reporting on OSA activity and decisions with a focus on benefits to PSU students. The President along with the executive staff and judicial review board are responsible for the ASPSU Annual Election.

  • Form an Elections Board composed of executive staff and judicial review board members as agreed upon, as specified by the Constitution, and must establish the necessary guidelines and procedures for ensuring fair elections with the widest possible participation by members within the Association, and must carry out elections as specified by the Constitution, or delegate these responsibilities to a member of the executive staff on the Elections Board.



    • Read and respond ASPSU relate emails within 48 business hours check both the aspsuask and aspsuprs accounts.

    • Outreach to students across campus in all capacities

    • Implementation and/or delegation of campaigns between members, committees, and other student groups

    • Nomination/Hiring of relevant positions

    • Onboarding

        • Updating the wiki onboarding process as needed.


    • Will work with the Legislative Affairs Director to plan and prepare for OSA board meetings including coordination of monthly travel logistics for all meetings.

    • Attend weekly executive staff meetings

    • Attend bi-weekly senate meetings

    • Attend OSA board meetings

    • Attend 1:1 with PSU admin (recommend to meet bi-weekly)

    • Attend Faculty Senate Meetings


    • Attend OSA board meetings


    • Publication of annual quarterly compilation of the following: Student Senate resolutions, Constitution and Judicial Review Board rulings, Student Fee Committee rules and procedures, and all other rules, policies, and procedures of ASPSU affecting the student body

As needed.

    • Formation of Ad-hoc committees and/or delegation of the creation of their governance

    • Review of governance structures within ASPSU

    • Creation of goals and strategic plans for campaigns as well as ASPSU as a whole

Points of Contact

  1. Presidents Office University

  2. Government Relations

        • Director of Government Relations (Kevin Neely) -

        • Director of State Relations (Alyson Kraus) -

  3. Budget Office

        • Vice President of Finance and Administration (Kevin Reynolds)

        • Associate Vice President, University Budget and Financing Planning (Andria Johnson)

  • Dean of Student Life (Micheal Walsh) -

  • Student Activities and Leadership Programs Director (Aimee Shattuck) -

  • Director of Student Health and Counseling (Dana Tasson) -

  • ASPSU Advisor (Madline Frisk) -

  • Faculty Senate Chair - Vicki Reitanaur (

  • Local State Representatives in PSU district. find them here:

Words of Wisdom

  • Finalize On/Off-boarding process: Throughout the year ASPSU members will leave for various reasons. We've tried our best to create an outline , but its going to be up to your administration to finalize it for its continued use.

  • Restructure our ASPSU Structure: The current structure must changes to ensure everyone leaves ASPSU feeling accomplished. Ideally you could restructure our committee breakdown to have each member complete one special project that correlates to the committee there a part of.

  • Team Bonding Events: Create and assign reps to work on more team-building events throughout the year

  • Service Projects: Create and assign reps to work on more service projects throughout the year

Refresh Contacts

All points of contact listed are the recommended connections a good President would have. There are some that you may include or drop because of your established connections. Don't feel like you need to be meeting with everyone all the time, but monthly or bi-weekly meetings would work better to help establish connections. All points of contact are listed to provide avenues for future collaboration and information sharing, use them in this way.

1. Have you done the first general checklist (getting acquainted with listserv, google drive, your team, your new email, etc)

2. Have you sent out applications for ASPSU members this Summer term for this next academic year?

3. Have you set up weekly meetings with your Advisor, Vice President, Chief of Staff, Publicity Director, Operations Director, and Monthly meetings with your Executive Cabinet?

4. Have you review the previous persons reflection of their time in this position?

5. Have you drafted goals and/or vision for ASPSU going into the next academic year?

6. Have you trained your Executive Staff (LCORE + Executive Cabinet) on their roles and responsibilities?

7. Does the rest of ASPSU know their roles and responsibilities? Are they clearly laid out in their on boarding process?

8. Have you scheduled time to meet and present to Faculty Senate and the Board of Trustees?

9. Have you set up meetings with important administrators and future institutional collaborators?

10. Does the corresponding Directors, responsible for our relationship with OSA and ASPSU, know their roles in relation to state wide organizing with OSA (meetings, Vote or Vote, etc)? Are they committed to fulfilling their duties?

11. Are attendance and work expectations clearly expressed and understood?

12. Are you ready for the first Senate Meeting, and following meetings, of your Term?

Starting in Summer

  • Assume responsibility for the proper functioning of all governance processes of ASPSU and must establish policies and procedures in accordance with this Constitution.

  • Establish and publish their goals and objectives by the first fall meeting of the Student Senate.

  • Act as the official representative of the student body, both within the University and the larger community.

  • Serve on the Board of the Oregon Student Association and shall be responsible for designating a second student, excluding the Vice President, to represent ASPSU on the OSA Board. The president may nominate members to other vacant positions on the OSA boards subject to approval by the senate.

  • Select staff necessary to implement student government projects, and must be responsible for all personnel decisions regarding such staff, henceforth known as the Executive Staff.


  • Nomination/Hiring of relevant positions

      • Onboarding

o Training (to be coordinated with OSA and SALP)

o Transition materials (to be crafted and maintained with the executive committee)

  • Create Ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.

  • Recruitment of students necessary to carry out the purposes of ASPSU, including the appointment of student representatives to All University Committees as well as other University committees whose actions may affect members of ASPSU.

  • Attending weekly/bi-weekly meetings.