The Election Interest Meeting is a place to learn how to run for ASPSU, what ASPSU does, and ask questions to the Elections Committee about the election process. Catalog Year: 2020 - 2021

ASPSU Student Elections Candidate Information Packet

Greetings! Welcome to the 2021 ASPSU Elections. By choosing to run for office, you have embraced the call to service that the best citizens in society often hear: that each of us should do whatever we can to make our communities a better place. Portland State University is just such a community, one that often influences the City of Portland and the State of Oregon through lobbying efforts, providing leadership on issues of sustainability and clean energy development, as well as through charitable and community giving. In short, by running for the ASPSU office, you have chosen to embrace this community leadership.

The Elections Board is here to serve the needs of the candidates, while ensuring that candidates adhere to the rules of the elections. If you have any questions, please seek out a member of the Elections Board. We will do our best to answer any questions you have. Remember, we are a duly appointed body whose purpose is to serve the interests of the students in a transparent manner. As students, you have every right to expect answers from us on issues pertaining to the elections process. So please, ask questions!

As candidates, these elections are focused on you and how you (if elected) will serve the best interests of the student body. In short, a successful election cannot happen without candidates actively campaigning and motivating the student body to come out and vote.

Not running again next year?

Join the Elections Committee!


The Associated Students of Portland State University are officially announcing preparations for the 2021 ASPSU elections and we are actively seeking members from the student body for the Elections Committee! The Elections Committee is responsible for overseeing ASPSU elections in their entirety.

The Elections Committee encourages any and all students to participate in the ASPSU annual elections and welcomes participation on the Elections Committee. To be considered for a position on the ASPSU Elections Committee, a student must meet the requirements set forth in the ASPSU Constitution and the Election Committee by-laws.

Nowhere is democracy more important than on PSU's campus. By being a part of the annual elections process, you set the standard for how YOU will affect change as a community member. Join the ASPSU Elections Committee today!

A member of the ASPSU Elections Committee must:

  1. Be an “At-large” student of the Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU)

  2. Not run for any office during their term on the E.C.

  3. Not be running for the 2021-2022 Term of Office

  4. Not actively support or oppose any candidate, slate or referendum.

  5. Be impartial to matters brought to the E.C.

How to Vote: For this year’s ASPSU election, all students will be emailed their personalized ballot at their address. Search in your mail for the email subject: “2021 ASPSU Election Ballot - Vote for your Student Government representatives by Apr 28th at 7pm!”

  • April 28th: Polls Close at 7pm

  • April 30th: Announcement of Election Results, 1pm-2pm (Add to Calendar)

Contact the elections board at for more details or questions.

The requirements of the Election Committee, as set out by the ASPSU Election Committee By-laws, include the following:

  • 1.1. The Elections Committee will consist of 5 members including the ASPSU Vice-Chief Justice, and four (4) at-large members.

  • 1.2. The ASPSU Judicial Review Board will select the four (4) at-large student positions.

  • 1.3. A student is not eligible to be a candidate in the election once they become a member of the Elections Committee.

  • 1.4. The membership of the elections committee will be finalized prior to candidate packets becoming available.

  • 1.5. Members of the Elections Committee will meet the following requirements:

        • 1.5.1. The member must meet the ASPSU participation requirements outlines in Article III of the ASPSU Constitution.

        • 1.5.2. Members must attend meetings in accordance with the ASPSU Internal Attendance Policy.

For more information or if interested in this position, please contact Luis Alvarez, the ASPSU Judicial Review Board Chair, at:



Portland State University is just such a community, one that often influences the City of Portland and the State of Oregon through lobbying efforts, providing leadership on issues of sustainability and clean energy development, as well as through charitable and community giving. In short, by running for the ASPSU office, you have chosen to embrace this community leadership. The application for the 2021 Election is LIVE on Campus Connect!

Elected Positions include the following: Student Body President, Vice President, 7 Student Fee Committee (SFC) member positions, and 16 Senator positions

It is critical that students apply to run and vote in the elections. ASPSU allocates the student fee, represents students on committees and in deliberations with university administrators, as well as lobbies in Salem on student issues, among many other responsibilities. Want to learn more about ASPSU and how to run? Join us on March 5th: ASPSU Election Interest Meeting, 2pm-3pm on Zoom (Add to Calendar) The Election Interest Meeting is a place to learn how to run for ASPSU, what ASPSU does, and ask questions to the Elections Committee about the election process. Can’t join us in person? Check out our So you want to join Student Government? Powerpoint to get more information anyway!

2021 Elections Schedule