
Time Commitment:

Organizational Role

What is it that you do in the organization? Talk with your Senators so we can get everyone's feedback. Use the existing page with information from the previous "Job Descriptions" document as a reference if you need some help.

Duties and Responsibilities

First Month


Summer Quarter

Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter






As needed.

Points of Contact

This should be points of contact that your position should reach out tor regardless.

Words of Wisdom

(This section, except for Senators as there would be too many to fit on a page, would be a good place to put in our reflections at the end of the year to pass them on to the next organization. The one on the page can cycle every year, but we can store all the reflections themselves in a Google Doc for posterity and less clutter.)

This should be about 3-4 paragraphs at least, and should contain information about people you have reached out to, not just offices, initiatives you have furthered, and things you learned in the position that would have been better to know beforehand. Will help to inform the next section and overall planning the following years.

Director of [blank] | Reflection

Refresh Contacts

These should be contacts that you, personally, have reached out to during the year and what they might be reached out to for in the future. This will allow future admins to call back on previous contacts for events and offering support.

Onboarding. This Information will be used for the onboarding checklist, and supplement the checklist for this position. It *might* not be on this page. Fill these sections with your thoughts about what onboarding should look like for your position so I don't have to send out 2 links for y'all :)

Starting in Summer
