University Affairs Director

Time Commitment:

Organizational Role

Students at PSU are affected by the general business decisions that the university administration makes. These general business operations include, but are not limited to: the purchase and resale of large properties; the financial and structural service of academic, mixed-use, and auxiliary buildings; the negotiating of labor contracts with the SEIU, AFT, and AAUP; the funding of various departments; the setting of various instructional and other fees, and the recommendation of tuition levels. As such, the area of University Affairs shall strive to advocate for policies in these areas on behalf of the student body and, where applicable, shall endeavor to advocate for policies that create sustainable and environmentally responsible practices at PSU.


This will be supported by the mandatory admission of senators to AUC's, and the monitoring of participation throughout the Senators term.


To look internally in the operation of the university and ASPSU; In ASPSU to better achieve efficiency, competency, and support others through reorganization and infrastructure; In the University to better support students throughout their studies, and to aide in their overall success at college by ensuring proper representation at the proverbial table for each decision.

Duties and Responsibilities

First Month

    • Establish a way to manage all AUC applications

  • Make advertising for AUC’s (coordinate with PR)

  • Connect with the chair of the Capital Advisory Committee (CAC) to establish meeting times, and counter.

  • Begin checking emails regularly and replying within 48hours.


Summer Quarter

  • Establish AUC’s in Senate, and the responsibilities of senators and JRB members (except the JRB chair)

  • Attend all other committees as needed

  • Reach out to all points of contact

  • Establish your yearly goal/s

  • Frame Agenda’s to begin in Fall.

  • Make advertising for AUC’s (coordinate with PR)

Fall Quarter

  • Officially announce AUC's at First Senate

  • Begin sign up process for AUC's

  • Monitor all AUC participation

  • Attend or Delegate to UAC attendance of upcoming AUC's with senator participation

  • Begin recording all issue presented with new system.

Winter Quarter

  • Begin reformation proposals for AUC guidelines

  • Construct constitutional amendments for next year

Spring Quarter

  • Assist with Elections as much as possible

  • Build a handover packet to ensure a smooth transition

  • Help all Senators move into new positions if desired and attainable



    • Manage all AUC applications

    • Monitor and account all ASPSU members on AUC's


    • Attend all mandatory meetings


    • Contact all ASPSU members c


    • Report on all AUC's with ASPSU members in AUC's for an update

As needed.

    • Contact all outstanding ASPSU members

    • Send Judicial Review as needed

Onboarding. This Information will be used for the onboarding checklist, and supplement the checklist for this position. It *might* not be on this page. Fill these sections with your thoughts about what onboarding should look like for your position so I don't have to send out 2 links for y'all :)

Points of Contact

  • Capital Advisory Committee Chair

  • Smith student union advisory board chair

  • Committee on committees chair

  • All chairs of all AUC’s (with student admittance)

  • Faculty Senate (chair)

Words of Wisdom

“This is a broadly named job, but your enumerated responsibilities are clear, manage your attendance of committees in and outside ASPSU, delegate to your senators, keep on top of senators attendance in AUC’s, and keep looking inward to ASPSU and the university, to see the holes that you might be able to address, if not able to alone, speak to the other directors. Lastly I would like to express that do not hesitate to ask for help, it can be overwhelming, but no one walks into this position knowing the extent of it”

This should be about 3-4 paragraphs at least, and should contain information about people you have reached out to, not just offices, initiatives you have furthered, and things you learned in the position that would have been better to know beforehand. Will help to inform the next section and overall planning the following years.

Director of University Affairs | Reflection

Refresh Contacts

Reaz Mahmood

Aimee Shattuck

Dan Zalkow

Julie Caron


Starting in Summer
