OHSU Onboarding

This page is only for Trainees with RLCs at OHSU

OVV: Office of Visitors and Volunteers at OHSU

OHSU Office of Visitors and Volunteering (OVV) Onboarding is required prior to starting work in your RLC

Purpose of OHSU Onboarding with OVV:

    • Background check

    • OSHA skills training

    • Plus you get a very discounted Trimet Pass & other OHSU employee/volunteer discounts if you want

    • Takes a long time - typically, 4-6 weeks

    • Once this process begins, please check pdx.edu daily for emails from OHSU.

Before OVV onboarding is complete, you may:

    • Complete the Scholar/RLC agreement

    • Attend a few lab meetings to meet the people you will work with

    • Read literature relevant for your lab’s work

    • RLC work is limited to background reading and attending lab meetings until you are onboarded (aka “badged”) with OHSU’s OVV.

Before you get your badge:

    • Communicate with RLC mentor and lab mates via email

    • Ask for literature and protocols to review

    • Attend lab meetings

Questions? Who to Ask?

Katy Lesowski (OHSU)

She will be your main contact for questions about OHSU onboarding. lesowski@ohsu.edu,

OVV's Contact Info

Dr. Shandee Dixon and Dr. Cindy Morris

Please cc Dr. Shande Dixon (shandee@pdx.edu) and Dr. Cindy Morris (morrisc@ohsu.edu) on any emails about OHSU onboarding