Summer Programming

Immersion 2023 will take place between July 18th and September 24th. In-person!

It is mandatory for all Trainees to complete research/workshops during the summer (Immersion) as well as the academic year. 

RLC Hours- Take Time Off (6/26-6/30)

General Information 

Summer Priorities 

Research Hours

Trainees must complete 250 research hours between July 1st and September 24th 


Summer Research Symposium 


Financial Support*

Please note this is the basic information. More information can be found on the Cohort 7 Financial Support Page and during onboarding, which happens within the Immersion workshops.

*Disclosure: As with all grants, although we plan to fulfill planned funding, circumstances may arise (out of our control or within our control) that could limit, reduce, or cancel available funds. ^ This pay rate/possible amounts superseded any previously shared information

Conflicts & Hour Waivers 

Ongoing Conflicts

Immersion Hours Waiver

One Time Conflicts

ADA Accommodations 

Please let us know if you would like any accommodations for summer programming 

Summer Housing (Not Provided)

Parking and Transit

Due to PSU policy, we are not permitted to pay for parking/transit for PSU students. However, there are other options

Summer Timekeeing (BanWeb Timesheets)

Summer Hour Limits (PSU Jobs and Summer Classes)

Other PSU Jobs

If you are planning or considering a PSU job during Immersion, please email EXITO as soon as possible at 

Summer Classes

If you are planning or considering taking 6+ credits during the summer, please email EXITO as soon as possible at