
This information is for any BUILD Cohort 7 Trainees offboarding at the end of Spring 2024. 

Hi Trainee, 

Congratulations on approaching completion of the EXITO Research Trainee Program! You will officially be an EXITO Alumni as soon as your Trainee Appointment is complete. Since the end date of your Trainee Appointment is a very important part of the last leg of your EXITO journey, we wanted to provide you with the following information. Please read the entire email since it contains important information.

Action Items 

Trainee Appointment Dates 

Dates of your BUILD Traineeship this year. 

Monthly Reporting Forms and Quarterly Progress Report Due Dates

In order to help EXITO fulfill NIH requirements and to ensure you honor your Scholar Agreement, we need you to submit the following forms:

Final RLC Hours

The last day for you to complete your Winter RLC hours is 06/24/2024. 

Financial Support 


Your last EXITO stipend will be disbursed at the end of May. Since stipends are awarded for the next month’s research training, your May stipend will cover your June research training. **There is NOT a stipend disbursed at the end of June**. There will be a delay in your last stipend if the May MRF is not received on time. 

Tuition & Fee Remissions

You received your last EXITO partial tuition and fee remission at the beginning of the Spring 2024 term. After this, you will not receive any additional EXITO tuition or fee remissions. For more information on EXITO financial support please click here.

Resident Tuition Benefit 

If you are an EXITO Scholar who transferred to PSU from an EXITO institution and were assessed resident tuition during your traineeship, you will be assessed resident tuition for two years after program completion as long as you are an undergrad. 

RLC Placement 

The end of your Trainee Appointment, 06/24/24, marks the completion of your formal EXITO Research Learning Community (RLC) placement. After this date, your RLC will not receive funds for your participation and you will no longer receive EXITO funding for research training in the RLC. Any time spent in the RLC after completing the EXITO program will need to be negotiated with the RLC Principal Investigator (PI).


If you are offered a paid position in your RLC (or another OHSU department - if your RLC placement is there), and you plan to start before 06/24/24, email as soon as possible.  

Scientific Conference Funds

Cohort 7 Scholars who have not used ALL of their scientific conference travel funds, will have until 6/30/24  to use the funds as long as they are full-time undergrad students and pursuing a biomedical major at the time of the conference. In order to travel in Summer 2024 (6/15-6/30), Trainees must be registered full-time for Fall 2024. Please email for more information. 

Opportunities Listserv

If you are interested in receiving emails from us sharing upcoming events and opportunities, please fill out this form. You may want to use your personal email since your PSU email will deactivate some time after graduation.