Request Process & Support

BUILD EXITO and Trainees must follow PSU and NIH requirements for conferences and travel.  As such, BUILD EXITO has a supportive process to ensure students are confident in their conference attendance while being compliant with requirements/polices. 

Conference Support

If you know what conference you want to attend or are considering a conference it is time to start planning!! 

Book a meeting with Sarah Taylor 

Sarah helps Trainees plan for conferences and travel as well understand the PSU/BUILD travel process.  She is happy to help work out the details (e.g., lodging, airfare, etc.) and will track the process, sending reminders as needed, and ensuring that your travel money is sent in advance and that your travel is closed out in a timely manner. /

Process for Local or Virtual Conferences 

Find a Conference ->

Determine what conference you want to attend.  Click here for some tips on how to identify and decide on a conference(s)

Submit the Conference Funds Request Form ->

More information below, but the BUILD EXITO Conference Funds Request form must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the conference registration deadline (early bird, regular, etc.)

Meet with Sarah!

Meet with Sarah to purchase conference registration. Sarah will send you a reminder but you can schedule a meeting with her here

Process for Conference w/ Travel 

Ready?!  Here is the Request Form

Must be completed any time you want to use your conference funds (virtual conference, local conferences, etc.)


Must be submitted by the following deadlines 

The Form

In order to submit the request form you will need conference information and prepare a preliminary budget. As such, please have a good idea on what your lodging will be, and have your travel dates finalized.  Cassandra is happy to help with this planning - just schedule a meeting with her here

Nothing on the request form is set in stone except travel dates - if you need to change them email ASAP.   Click here to learn more about picking travel dates. 

Importance of Timeline and Communication

The travel timeline and communication during the process is very important. Reasons below:

How are Items Paid For? 

EXITO Purchases

Travel Advance

A Travel Advance allows you to receive requested funds for reimbursable costs (ground transportation, meal per diem, lodging) 1.5 weeks before you leave. 

Requesting a Travel Advance (Step 3) is part of PSU’s Travel Authorization process.  (Travel Authorization is how the university tracks travel and issues travel advances.)

Travel Advances/Authorizations must be fully approved 2 weeks before travel or you will NOT receive funds before you leave and all costs below will be reimbursed up to 4 weeks after (sometimes longer).  EXITO Staff will do everything we are able to get you the advance but it can't be guaranteed. 

Lodging: Trainees are responsible for finding & booking lodging

Ground Transportation (Rise Share, Bus, Trains): Scholars are responsible for arranging ground transportation to/from the airports.  This also includes bus, trains, or driving

Meals: Based on federal per diem amounts

See Expenses, Policies, and Budget page for details