Monthly Reporting Forms

The Forms

CIMR 2023-2024 Monthly Reporting Form (Google Sheet Version)

The MRF Template

Link to Google Sheet Template

The Submission Method

General Info

What is the MRF?

Why we need record of all hours completed

Important Parts of MRF

RLC Hours

What Counts as Hours

If your RLC asks you to do something, that counts as RLC Hours.

Do not log hours for other program elements such as advising, mentoring, or enrichment.

October Timekeeping Documents 

There are two, one for summer and one for the start of Fall

October BanWeb Timesheet

October Monthly Reporting Form

The MRF Process

Step #1: Log Hours

Step #2: Determine who from your RLC will sign your MRF that month.

Regular Signer: There will be a member of the RLC that is your main contact for day to day work

Backup Signer: Your Regular RLC Signer may be unavailable to sign your MRF (in our experience this will happen at least once)

Before the 15th* you should confirm with your Regular RLC Signer if they can sign your MRF this month or if you will be utilizing the Back-Signer. 

We will send your MRF to the RLC around the 23rd of the month.

Step #3: Submit MRF

Submit it using the Google Form

What happens if my MRF is late?

*unless otherwise stated 

Step #4: Stipend Processed

Step #5: CIMR Collects RLC Signature