Trainee Research

Trainee Research Sub Pages

This section of the website covers information regarding Trainee Research and the related program requirements you have within EXITO .

Below are the subpages which house the information, please click on the applicable sub-page. The drop down menus above will be the most reliable for links and new pages we add.

Common Terms

Principle Investigator (PI): Directs research efforts of lab members, but may rarely be seen in the lab.

  • Assistant professor = non-tenured professor or non tenure track

  • Associate professor = tenured professor, awarded based on research productivity, teaching, service usually after ~5-7 yrs

  • Full professor = professor promoted to highest rank, usually after ~10-15 yrs

Professional Personnel

Lab Managers, Research Associates, Research Assistants: researchers hired to work on specific grant-funded projects or to oversee lab operations; paid from grants; usually have BS or MS degrees

  • Sometimes help to train undergraduate researchers

Postdoctoral Fellows or “Postdocs”: PhDs who are building their research experience & independence before progressing to faculty jobs

  • May be funded by their own grant or by PI’s grant

  • May or may not train/work with undergrads


Graduate students: Master’s (2-3 yr) or PhD (5-7 yr) students working on independent or semi-independent thesis research

  • Juggling research, coursework, graduate exams, teaching

  • Often help to train/work with undergrads

Undergraduate students (this is you!): roles vary tremendously

  • “Grunt work” e.g., washing glassware, preparing sterile media. Foundational work but shouldn't be everything you're doing.

  • Assisting with graduate student or postdoc research

  • Conducting independent projects

  • Any combination of the above

  • The impression you make on your mentor may have a large role in the responsibilities you are entrusted with.