Onboarding - Cohort 7

Onboarding Agenda and Tasks

Cohort 7 Checklist


Check the enrichment Canvas or Google Site for dates, times, and topics. 

Important Dates

*As long as your timekeeping documents are submitted on time. 

Important Trainee Communications 

Summer 2023 Onboarding

The sessions below will occur during the Immersion workshops (T/TH 9:30-12 PM) 

Onboarding #1 (7/18)

Recording on Canvas: 

EXITO Financial Support & Timekeeping - Immersion; Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

EXITO Scholar Success Committee & Scholar Agreement; Carlos Quatela, Co-Chair of the Scholar Success Committee

Updating Personal Profile; Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

Immersion Onboarding_2023-07-18

Onboarding #2 (8/15)

Programmatic Information & Advising; Carlos Quatela, EXITO Academic Advisor

Scientific Conference Funds Intro; Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

Trainee Appointments; Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

Recording and Slides

Immersion Onboarding_2023-08-15

Onboarding #3 (9/14)

Academic Year Program Requirements; Carlos Quatela, Co-Chair of the Scholar Success Committee

Quarterly Progress Report; Carlos Quatela, Co-Chair of the Scholar Success Committee

Academic Year Financial Support and Trainee Appointments; Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

Monthly Reporting Forms: Cassandra Ramirez, Student Services Coordinator 

Recording & Slides

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fnE_QYIRyhYXfrMkdcIvpGgRPMsEuXxzNOl2wx8isxQ/edit?usp=sharing 


Immersion Onboarding_2023-09-14

Pre-Summer Onboarding - Form Due 6/9

Cohort 7 met with Cassandra, Shandee, and Tom to plan for summer. We covered important information for summer and academic year financial support. 

All Cohort 7 Trainees must have attended or watched the recording by 6/9. They must also complete the Preparing for Summer Google Form by 6/9. The recording is to the left. The slides are here. However, all information on the slides is housed and updated on this page. 

MISC Info from the meeting

Fall 2022 Onboarding 

Summer 2022 Onboarding 

Session #1: August 29th, 2022

Welcome & Get to Know Your Cohort 

Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) & Carlos Quatela (Academic Advisor)

Tasks for all Trainees: Completes the 3 Required HR Trainings by 9/5

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10-10:40 a.m.

EXITO Financial Support 

Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) 

Tasks for all Trainees: Email or schedule a meeting if you have questions

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10:40-11:40 a.m.

Break 11:40-11:55 a.m.

Summer Program Requirements

Carlos Quatela (Chair of the Scholar Success Committee)

Tasks for all Trainees: Email or schedule a meeting if you have questions or concerns

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

11:55-12:25 p.m.

Financial Aid Presentation and Workshop

Nila Markheim (Financial Aid Counselor)

Tasks for all Trainees: Email Nila (markheim@pdx.edu) if you have questions

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

12:25-1 p.m.

Onboarding Session #1 - BUILD Induction 2022

Session Slides

Although the information is currently being presented using PowerPoint, Trainees should use the Logistics Google Site going forward since that has the most up to date information and it is easier to access

Recording Part #1


00:00-33:00  Welcome & Get to Know Your Cohort 

33:00-1:22:30 EXITO Financial Support 

1:23:15 Summer Program Requirements

Recording Part #2


Financial Aid Presentation & Workshop

Session #2: September 12, 2022


Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) & Carlos Quatela (Academic Advisor)

Tasks for all Trainees: n/a

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10-10:20 a.m. (2o0 minutes)

Programmatic & Advising Info

Carlos Quatela (Academic Advisor)

Tasks for all Trainees: n/a

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10:20-10:35 p.m. (15 minutes)

Scientific Conference Funds Intro 

Sarah Taylor (Operations Coordinator)

Tasks for all Trainees: Talk to your Research Mentor about potential conferences this year 

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10:35-11:05 a.m. (30 minutes)

Missed Program Requirements

Carlos Quatela (Chair of the Scholar Success Committee)

Tasks for all Trainees: Email or schedule a meeting if you have questions or concerns

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

11:05-11:25 a.m. (20 minutes)

Break: 11:25-11:35 a.m. (15 minutes)

eRA Commons Personal Profile

Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) 

Tasks for all Trainees

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

11:35- 12 p.m.  (25 minutes)

Trainee Documents

Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) 

Tasks for all Trainees

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

12-12:10 (10 minutes)

Timesheets (September's)

Sarah Taylor (Operations Coordinator)

Tasks for all Trainees:

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

12:10-12:30 p.m. (20 minutes)

Onboarding Session #2 - BUILD Induction 2022

Session #3: September 19th, 2022


Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) & Carlos Quatela (Academic Advisor)

Tasks for all Trainees: n/a

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10-10:10 a.m. (10 Minutes)

October's Timesheet & Trainee Appointment

Sarah Taylor (Operations Coordinator) & Cassandra Ramirez (Student Services Coordinator) 

Tasks for all Trainees

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10:10-10:30 a.m. (20 minutes)

Monthly Reporting Forms 

Sarah Taylor (Operations Coordinator)

Tasks for all Trainees:

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

10:30-11 a.m. (25 minutes)

Break: 11-11:10 a.m. 

Academic Year Program Requirements

Carlos Quatela (Chair of the Scholar Success Committee)

Tasks for all Trainees

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

11:10-11:40 a.m. (30 minutes)

Quarterly Progress Reports 

Carlos Quatela (Academic Advisor)

Tasks for all Trainees: Submit your Quarterly Progress Report for Summer by 9/25

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

11:40-12 p.m. 

Personal Accountability & Organization 

Leslie Bienen (OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Faculty)

Tasks for all Trainees: n/a

Tasks if you missed the session: Watch the recording

12-12:30 p.m.


Onboarding Session #3 - BUILD Induction 2022
