Missed Program Requirement Support & SSPs


If you are concerned about meeting program requirements please schedule a meeting with Carlos. Many Trainees have found these meetings helpful for decreasing stress levels.

You can also log any extenuating circumstances that prevented you from completing program requirements to the Quarterly Progress Report (QPR)

Scholar Success Plans

What is a Scholar Success Plan (SSP)?

  • If a Scholar is unable to fulfill the articulated Scholar Agreement, a Scholar Success Plan (SSP) will be created.

  • SSPs can change a Scholar’s standing in the program (e.g., Good, Warning, Probation, Suspended Trainee Appointment).

    • Declining program standings may result in program dismissal.

  • When a Scholar goes on an SSP they are required to meet with a member of the committee or to submit an appeal within one week.

    • If neither occur, the level of SSP will increase (e.g., Warning changed to Probation) due to lack of communication.

    • This kind of meeting is in addition to the once per term EXITO Advising meeting requirement.

    • Please see the Appeals section for more information.

Reviewing Program Requirements

  • The Scholar Success Committee compiles data on the completion of program requirements. These data are collected by various areas of the program.

  • This information is used to make decisions and recommendations/decisions on a Scholar’s standing and eligibility for the program.

  • These reviews happen on a term-by-term and yearly basis.

Term-by-Term Review

  • The SSC will review the completion of these program requirements at the end of each term

  • At the end of the term: Scholar Success Plans will be issued for missed program requirements

  • Program Requirements: Enrollment, RLC Hours, Advising, & GPA

Yearly Review

  • The SSC will review completion of program requirements at the end of each year

  • At the end of Fall & Winter, Scholar Success Plans will be issued for significantly low engagement levels

  • After Spring 2021: The SSC reviews a year’s worth program requirements in conjunction with the Spring term-by-term requirements. The SSC then makes recommendations to Scholars’ summer eligibility and program standing

  • Program Requirements: Progress Reports, Career Mentor Meetings, Mentoring Logs, & Enrichment


Scholars may appeal decisions of the SSC with a written explanation of their appeal within five business days of the notice of the SSC’s decision.

Appeal Form: Link

Following receipt of a completed Appeal, the following will occur:

  1. The SSC reviews the appeal and makes a recommendation*

  2. Present the appeal and SSC recommendation to the ELT, who makes the final determination*

  3. The Scholar will be notified of the decision regarding their appeal via email from exitossc@pdx.edu

*If the Scholar presents new information that was previously unknown, SSC/ELT will consider the new information, which may result in a revised SSP