RLCs, Hours, and Conferences

RLC Planning

If your RLC is planning and/or making purchases for your conference here is some helpful information

  • RLCs can pay for you to attend conferences. However, they can't use the funds they get from EXITO for this purpose.

  • EXITO can work with your lab to make purchases using your EXITO funds and plans.

  • If needed, please connect the person in your lab making the arrangements with Cassandra Ramirez, at EXITOoperations@pdx.edu

  • If your lab has any questions on your conference funds please have them contact EXITO, EXITOoperations@pdx.edu

RLC Hours and Conferences

Do hours spent at conferences count as RLC hours?

  • Please negotiate this with your Research Mentor

  • In order for travel hours (traveling from Portland to the conference city) to be counted as RLC hours they must occur within your regular RLC schedule. If you don’t have a regular RLC schedule the travel hours must occur between 8-5 p.m. (as approved by the RLC)

  • Any time spend at the conference can count as RLC hours (as approved by RLC)

  • Record any applicable hours on your Monthly Reporting Form (PY2 Trainees) or BanWeb (Program Year 3 Trainees)