Withdrawal (Temp & Perm)

General Info

  • There are always options within EXITO. Please reach out.

  • If you are considering withdrawal, in any form, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Types of withdrawal include:

    • Temporary Withdrawal

    • Permanent withdrawal

  • Some reasons for withdrawal include:

    • Needs to reduce course load/take a break from university

    • Medical (physical/mental) health

    • Personal Issues

    • Etc.

Notifying EXITO of Withdrawal

  1. Communication is key to the relationship between Scholars and BUILD EXITO. If Scholars need to withdraw or consider their options they can complete the withdrawal form, reach out to Carlos Quatela, or reach out to another EXITO Staff/Faculty member.

  2. The EXITO Withdrawal Form collects information needed for temporary and permanent withdrawals. The EXITO program requires submission of the form each time a Scholar, from any site, withdraws.

  3. Some information on the form is required for EXITO to meet NIH reporting requirements and others help EXITO provide support. As such, please complete this form. Carlos can complete the form for you in a meeting

  4. Link to Form: https://forms.gle/iFM6NKmKobHR9YSM9

Temporary Withdrawal

  • Definition: The Scholar selected to be inactive in most or all program requirements for one or more terms.

  • Program Requirements/Benefits:

    • All program requirements are not required for the withdrawn term(s)

    • EXITO financial support is forfeited for the withdrawn term(s)

    • Scholars still have access to the EXITO community including advising and the STEM Center

    • If you temp. withdraw EXITO can not guarantee a spot in the research training program or future EXITO funding

Requirements While Temp. Withdrawn

The EXITO program is dedicated to allowing for Scholars to disengage with EXITO during temporary withdrawal if that is what they need. However, that must be balanced with the need to keep lines of communication open between the Scholar and the program. There are a lot factors (specific to your circumstanced) that need to be considered when temporary withdrawing. However, it can be really helpful for Scholars. Be sure to read the offboarding email, keep communication with EXITO, and reach out to discuss temporary withdrawal if you are considering it

  • Quick check in with EXITO (email or short meeting with EXITO Advisor)

    • Scholars should update their term of planned return

    • Scholars should let EXITO know if they need any support

    • EXITO will let them know if there are any requirements for their term of withdrawal and any information about returning to the program

    • Must happen in the first 4 weeks of each term

  • Notify EXITO of their return in a timely manner

    • For Scholars in PY1 or Scholars in PY2/3 with an PSU placement they are required to notify EXITO 4 weeks before the return term.

    • For Scholars in PY2/3 with an OHSU placement, they are required to notify EXITO 6 weeks before the return term since the badging process takes weeks to complete. Any additional requirements based on the terms the Scholar is withdrawn for.

  • Review the offboarding email EXITO sends after notification of temp. withdrawal.

Resident Tuition and Temp. Withdrawal

Non-resident transfer Scholars from BUILD institutions (e.g., Clark, NMC, ASCC, UoG, UAA). BUILD Trainees who transfer from BUILD EXITO institutions will be assessed RESIDENT tuition rate even if they are non-residents. Trainees will have this benefit as long as they are active in the program and for two years after program completion (undergrad only).

  • If a Scholar is planning for a one term only temp. withdrawal then they can retain the EXITO Resident tuition for the withdrawn term. When this occurs, the Scholar will not have access to the one term of resident tuition post program completion. If they extend their withdrawal then they will lose resident tuition until they return to the program.

  • If the Scholar is planning on a temp. withdrawal of 2+ terms, they will lose resident tuition until they return to the program.

Permanent Withdrawal

Coming Soon!

Resident Tuition and Temp. Withdrawal

Non-resident transfer Scholars from BUILD institutions (e.g., Clark, NMC, ASCC, UoG, UAA). BUILD Trainees who transfer from BUILD EXITO institutions will be assessed RESIDENT tuition rate even if they are non-residents. Trainees will have this benefit as long as they are active in the program and for two years after program completion (undergrad only).

If a Scholar eligible for EXITO’s resident tuition withdraws permanently they will lose access to EXITO resident tuition. Their tuition rate will be changed once the change in status email is sent to F/A.